Initially, I wasn't thrilled. However, just in the past 2 hours alone I've seen improvements made. I like the format, and there's actually alot of cool things you can do like some of the sorting options with threads, reputation, the shoutbox is undoubtedly better, among other things. And it's only going to get better. Its a 'Yes' for me.
I was meh when I first saw it too... But I spent some time and I am growing to like it already. I think the new options are neat and the big sized threads are cool.
Once a few key things get fixed, I'll be happy as a clam. Thanks for the de-uglification, behind-the-scenes-folks.
I dont like the flow of the new site layout. The home page, for one thing, is very constraining. When you first bring up the site, there is no place to log in in the home page. The information panel on the old site is something you NEED to bring back. Having a greeting and your picture there to let you know that the site acknowledges that you're signed in was nice and it was total access to your profile and affiliated links in a convenient little box. I'm hoping it can look as much like the old site as possible, within reason.
i still havn't found a show replies button, so i'm pretty angy. also the new site look kinda ugly, but progress takes time, keep working guys.
Meh, will take some getting used to. Where is my font editing option? I can Bold, change color, ect. but I can't enter a certain font.
A little to wide for my taste but I love the new features and etc. Once I get used to it will be much better. Most of the people complaining aren't even giving it a chance.
Looks... Artificial. Yes, some of the changes with this site are pretty good, but others, I'm not so thrilled about. I'm not a big fan of how the Front page of the Forum looks, and as of the time I'm writing this, some of the things i liked about the original Forge hub aren't here... yet. But, The Shoutbox looks better, and so do the quotes. This will take some getting used too (like several people above me have said)
It goes from WHOA to eh... to WHY!!! to well it's getting there to Hey, this is pretty good. So, yes. And I'd say it's more 2.5 ...
It's a no for me. I'm thrilled for effort and work, but not thrilled by the decision to change. A lot of the new features are kind of unnecessary and some where on the old board just n a different way. The new buttons (the quote, and quick reply buttons under posts) make most threads look a bit cluttered. The front page also is a bit constraining to my eyes. And you took away the mini CP. It was nice to have that. You also made the shoutbox more of a main focus of the site now. A good and bad thing I guess. But the original shoutbox I thought was better, because it still kept a lot of focus on the threads and forums but this new one I guess doesn't take away from it too much. And I just don't like vBulletin very much. A+ for effort.