I'm looking for someone to forge with who's not to serious about making great maps, just wants to have fun with it(and every once in a while make a kickass map) my gt is: Teh Swine Flu
I'm looking for a partner along the same lines as you just to have fun and practice forge. My gt is Maddog2004
I'm willing to learn with you guys, I know how to create the maps, I just don't have the patience. I know the methods and forging101 of everything, but I'm lazy, If you're serious about laying down some maps, I could probably use a partner.
could i possibly help?(i can place stuff carefully and evenly but i cant do amazing stuff like geomerge or anything REALLY cool like that...)
Im up, GT Unsighted Milk. Im great at aesthetics and original ideas, but not gameplay. if my FL is full send me a messege on live.
Umm.. can I be in It I'm always looking for people to forge with... am able to geomerge and stuff... just run out of Ideas... GT= Maxst3r max
Sorry my FL was full, I'll delete a couple of people, send a message as well saying who you are. / where you're from. Maybe we'll party a load of noobs and show 'em the ropes. Ultimate forge team will actually create something. I've wanted to create a decent remake of Ivory Tower for ages.