What's your favorite keyblade? It could be any keyblade from any of the Kingdom Hearts games. My personal favorites is the Oathkeeper and the Ultima keyblade from Kingdom Hearts 1. The Ultima in KH1 look like an actually sword at certain parts, the one in KH2 looked like something the cat dragged in... The keyblades in KH1 looked better overall. Also, my favorite form has to be Valor form bacause the red is sexy and its just plain old beasty. Here's a list of the Keyblades in Kingdom Hearts 1: Kingdom Key Oathkeeper Oblivion Lady Luck Olympia Jungle King Three Wishes Wishing star Crabclaw Spellbinder Fairy Harp Metal Chocobo Lionheart Divine Rose Ultima Keyblade (KH1) List of Keyblades in kingdom Hearts 2: Kingdom Key Star Seeker Hidden Dragon Hero's Crest Monochrome Follow The Wind Circle of Life Photon Debugger Gullwing Decisive Pumpkin Guardian Soul Mysterious Abyss Rumbling Roses Sweet Memories Wishing Lamp Fenrir Ultima Keyblade (KH2) Keyblades in KH:FM and KH2:FM: One-winged Angel Diamond Dust Acrossing Two Proof Of Victory Drive Forms: Valor Form Wisdom Form Master Form Final Form Anti-Drive Form Limit Form
lol, everyone likes the oblivion and ultima keyblades. Especially the Final form! I think the lionheart in KH1 was great too, so I'll add that to my faves too. Limit form is the best form also. Its better way better than the other forms too. So thats going into my faves also... ^^
LMAO I remember going through the world that never was from beginning to end and then going back to world map over and over to lv up my master form. Also, when it comes to looks, its a tie between Guardian Soul and Fenrir
I like the long keyblades. If the Oathkeeper was as long as the Fenrir or Sleeping Lion, it would be my absolute favorite. When it comes to looks though, hardly any Keyblades in Kingdom Hearts 2 comes close to beating the ones in Kingdom Hearts 1...
my fave was olympia partly becuase I didn't find all of the keys. It had some special ability that made it real bad ass though
Ultima. I was so happy to get it. Favorite form is probably the final. Tied with the Anti-form just because it looks cool. On a side-note, getting Fenrir was also a pain in the ass.
The Olympia was a short keyblade. Most short keyblades in KH1 had the ability where it was difficult to deflect it, meaning if you had that keyblade, equipment enhancing strength, and the counter-attack ability, you would destroy things pretty quickly. Counter-attack has to be my fave ability because of that neat trick, plus it looked cool... Has anyone seen the Limit Form! Its bad ass, way different from the other forms, and the abilities were better!
It's been awhile so i can't remember exactly which is which, but i was lways into the most powerul key blade so whichever 2 have the most power are my 2 favories and can someone remind me which form is which thanks. Alo how do you get ultima didn't you have to beat sephiroth or something.
The most powerful keyblade is the Ultima Weapon. Its obtainable by collecting all the synthesis items. Valor form is the red costume where Sora dual wields his keyblades. Its considered the "Powerhouse" form and has a lot of critical hit attacks. Magic is disabled in this form. Valor is definitely the "Badass" form. Wisdom form is the blue costume where Sora wields just one keyblade as usual. Its basically the magic form. In this form, Sora attacks with only magic in a kickass way with his keyblade, and sort of glides across the ground. He cannot use physical attacks though. Master form is the yellow costume. Sora dual wields his keyblades and attacks very quickly. One keyblades is held in one hand while the second keyblade spins around the other hand. This form is considered to be the "Combo" form and the combination of both the Valor and Wisdom, both Physical and Magic attacks are able to be use. Anti-Form is the drive form malfunction where Sora sort of turns into the Dark Sora from Kingdom Hearts 1. Sora's whole body is black and his eyes are yellow like the Shadow Heartless. He doesn't wield any keyblade and doesn't use any magic. He fights with his bare hands! In this form Sora can basically dish-out a unlimited amount of combo attacks without touching the ground, just like the Master form. Final Form is considered the Grand Daddy of all forms. Sora's outfit becomes white and instead of attacking with both keyblades, the keyblades sort of attack by themselves. Sora becomes a floating telekinesis god. This is the compilation of all forms into one. Maxed out Valor form is the equivalent of level one Final Form. Limit Form is the exclusive form, only available to players with the Kingdom Hearts 2: Final Mix edition game, Japan Only! Sora costume becomes similar to the one he wore in Kingdom Hearts 1. Instead of a drive gauge like the other drives, he uses "limits" for his attacks. He can use abilities from KH2, and abilities in KH1 that were not in KH2. My personal favorite form, brings me back to the old days.
I'm already playing Animal Crossing and Custom Robo on my Gamecube, don't make me bust out another classic.
Lol, custom robo, that was a good one. My favorite was the Girl robot, the oink one. I'd have the boots that make you run really fast and the shotgun equipped. Ultimate speed plus power combo. The boots made you slide when you stopped so when you came rushing towards an opponent, you can pump them full of lead. They wouldn't even expect it.
Wow, awesome pics and description dude! Very cool! Valor form so looked badass, but when it comes to power, Final Form definitely takes the cake. My favourite keyblade is the Lionheart from Kingdom Hearts 1...
OMG I loved kingdom hearts 2... I would say my favorite forms would be... valor and final because they were both ownage... I don't know about the keyblade lol.
I'm playing right now and I completely forgot about this ****ing dumbass first two and a half hours where you play as Roxas. I hate this part so ****ing much.
It's so boring. I realize it's a heavy part of the story, and I like relearning the story, but it's just boring to play through.