Sandbox Transmogrifier

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by ehand88, Jun 30, 2009.

  1. ehand88

    ehand88 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Recommended players: 2 - 8
    Supported gametypes: Slayer, Team Slayer, KoTH, Oddball, CTF

    **This map was created for the Take this map off my hands contest by Ozarka**

    This map is asymmetrical as I'm sure you can see. If you are not familiar with the contest, the original forger started working on this map but could not finish it. The contest is to finish the map, keeping all original objects intact. The name Transmogrifier came to me from the Calvin and Hobbes comics where Calvin would use his Transmogrifier to transform something into whatever he wanted. Anywayz, this is my sumbission, and I believe it has turned out to be a pretty smooth map. I put railings around most of the narrow pathways to help prevent falling, which seemed to be the main problem in earlier versions. I also added some extensions to some areas to keep players from breaking out of the map. All original items are intact. This map has officially been Transmogrified!

    Weapon List will be added soon



    Needler (Defenders spawn in building)

    Power drain behind defenders spawn

    Stickies, ramp to Carbine and Active Camo

    Active Camo wrap-around

    Top gold (Bubble Shield)

    Sniper bridge, extended left side wall to prevent map breaking

    Mauler pathway

    Rocket pad

    View from bottom gold

    Shotgun cage

    Attackers spawn area

    OS platform

    Sniper lift

    Special thanks to Ozarka for setting up this contest and to my friends for helping test/glitch proof Transmogrifier.

    Download Transmogrifier

    Thanks for checking out Transmogrifier and don't forget to downoad, rate and leave any comments. I am always open to constructive criticism and appreciate all feedback. Click here to check out my other maps if you like this one. Click here to check out the contest thread.
    #1 ehand88, Jun 30, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2009
  2. Xang

    Xang Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well fro mthe looks of it this is much better then the original... Considering that the original is poorly made, you have really made this into something good. Some places good use merging but non the less it all looks good.
  3. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Some places yes, but some of those places undoubtedly are from the original which he couldn't change... So for what its worth, this is pretty good. In my opinion it could use a little less railing but that's just me, good job though.
  4. Ozarka

    Ozarka Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ehand, this is definately a great map. That one on one game we played was intense. And I noticed that you added a little ramp where the sniper lift takes you to make sure no one falls off the edge if they dont go through the lift perfectly. Or at least I dont think it was there before, but idk. Nice touch. Can't wait to get some 4v4 games on this.

    @ JumpMan - Just asking where you think it was poorly made? It was definately not a complete map when I posted it if that's what you were was about 25% complete at that point according to what I was planning on doing.

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