i was playing halo 3 my gamertag is xxphantom1011xx, and this happened lol YouTube - Halo 3 WTF Missle Pod homing missle? tell me what you think
hahahahahaha, thats like 1 in a million chance. Thats good, lol. That guy who shot the missile pod is probably like, "OMGLOLWTFBBQ!?"
Winrocket That's gotta be a one-in-a-million shot rite thar The video needs some working, but the winrocket is win
lol this should be on bungie faves thats the funniest thing I have ever seen. Can I have a link to the video? i want to see in theater for myself.
jesus Christ, it even didn't hit any scenery. Maybe they're programmed to attack those who fire them when they become threatened. Like a bee to a hive...
Stuff like this is a large part of why I love Halo so much, so in depth that random hilarity like this ensues on a seemingly regular basis. Nice clip dude, a good laugh.