Would anyone like to list a bunch of Third-Party applications, that are copies of Adobe programs, such as how... GIMP in sort of like Photoshop/Fireworks, Inkscape is Illustrator. I'd like to help the community by Compiling this list of Thirdparty programs for those who can't fork out massive ammounts of money for Adobe programs, or resort to piracy. Post a download link with your contribution please. GIMP = Free Adobe Photoshop <- Link INKSCAPE = Free Adobe Illustrator <- Link
Completely different programs, if you start with one and never used the other you will find that one is better than the other, this is a very biased thing. I wouldn't say any of these are knock off's just that one is a big name company and the other is third party, but both work amazingly. Personally Photoshop is my preferred program, because I find it more simple, Gimp does most of the same things as Photoshop it all depends on your knowledge of the program. Thats what I have to say about this lol
You can use GIMPshop, it's GIMP but looks and works pretty much the same as Photoshop. The big advantage of GIMP: It's free. PS is several hundred dollars. Different people swear by each one.
Gimp is more of a substitution for people not willing to throw down cash, or illegally download the software. I do think this is a good idea for people that are low on money or not willing to break the law, sadly, i don't know any other programs that can substitute the higher priced ones. Stop bagging on the guy, if you had any common sense you would get what he wants the thread to become...