This is my first forgehub post so please go easy on me. Im very proud of this map and I took about 5 hours to make it. Please enjoy! DOWNLOAD: : Halo 3 File Details MAP OVERVIEW: HALFPIPE OVERVIEW: TELEPORTERS (incase you spawn ontop): STARTING POINT: DROP IN: GRAV LIFT ROOM (for making sweet trick jumps) MAKING A BASIC TRICK JUMP: Going OFF THE TRICK JUMP: TELEPORTERS (for if you fall jump out): A SWEET MINI RAMP: ACTION SHOTS: THANKS FOR VIEWING!!! DL incase you missed it: : Halo 3 File Details
Looks a little sloppy, you could have made the asthetics a little better. For how i like the map, it seems like i would have fun with it for a good 15 minutes with my friends.
Looks pretty cool. Good job. I just got an idea! You throw in two vip way points at the top of each ramp (not the very top though) so the vip team goes up and down collecting points, while the other team gets the gravlifts and tries to throw them at the mongoose as the go past, to blast them up into kill balls! Pm me if you want me to do anything for you, like make the gametype or add the stuff to the map.
nice, sounds like a good idea. You can dl the map and try to make that gametype, sounds really cool (=
The gametype has already been made. It's called RACETRACKS. Official Review: Initial thoughts: For a first timer, this map is great. I can tell that you don't know how to place spawn points for a VIP type gametype, and therefore your players on the map will spawn on default spawns. There is a tutorial on YouTube that can help you with this. Spoiler YouTube - Halo 3 Racetrack Making Tutorial: Setting up the Spawns for Battle Tracks - As I look at the map, I noticed that you have very sloppy placement. If you would like, I could show you how to interlock those mancannon boosters so that they do not show. Since you have no interlocking, I'm afraid it gets: 0/5 - As others have commented, your map aesthetics aren't exactly the best. The columns around the top are extremely sloppy, like you didn't care when you made the map. : 2.5/5 - Although your map lacks points in other areas of quality, this idea is pretty original, giving you more originality points. If you add the VIP goals suggested by travis8_8, I can add another half-point to originality. : 4.5/5 Overall Rating: 2.333333/5 Actual Rating: 2.5/5 Other comments: Your map has a nice concept, it is just not very well forged. If you make a V2 with neater aesthetics and some interlocking, I can bump your rating to a 4/5.
i don't like the map cause its not that well put together and theres better things to use than pallets try merging something into the ground