Gyro Gyro is my first Racetrack so please go easy one me. I was inspired to create a racetrack after seeing the "FINAL EFFORT" I know at first glance at the pictures your gonna say "OMG YU STOLEZ DA BACKFLIP"..Yes I know I did. I asked around forgehub and nobody seemed to know how to build one.. Well I just ended up using Killer200O's. I originally wasnt going to release this map because of this fact, but me and my friends had so much fun I decided to share it with you all... So please no "you stole this, you stole that"... With that said here are the pictures.. OVERVIEW [/URL] START...READY... [/URL] SET [/URL] GO! [/URL] First Turn [/URL] BACKFLIP [/URL] BRIDGE [/URL] Ledge Jump [/URL] Tunnel [/URL] Booster [/URL] And then it starts all over again! [/URL] These pictures were put in order from beggining to end. I know its a sad attempt at a racetrack but I felt like sharing it. If anyone could give me tips on how to bank the turns that would help tons... SPECIAL THANKS TO: ~Killer200O (for backflip) ~Unsighted Milk (testing) ~ O IROYALS x (testing) ~Cookiemanstaman (testing) ~ MrTrampy (being in pictures) In case you missed the DL link here ya go Gyro
I think this looks like alot of fun! Especially that it's your first racetrack. Good job, the backflip looks sweeet and everything else seems to flow nicely. A few things with interlocking could use some fixing up but everything else is great
For a first map this is very well put together. The backflip ramp felt a little sketchy, but hey thats just me. Overall it's very well put together and is awesome kudos to you!
Its simple really once you get used to it. First place respawn points the corners then place the object to place at start 'No'. Start a new round and then there will only be the respawn points floating in the air. This is the hardest bit, you have to get the new object in the right position, then save and quit (Don't let go of it). When you re-load up you map you should have two interlocked objects. You just repeat this throughout the turn and eventually you can have a turn like this: [/URL] And don't expect it to be perfect first time! The picture shown above was my fifth racetrack and each steadily improved. Here is a screenshot of one of my first banked turns I did: [/URL] As you can see it wasnt very smooth and it was way to sharp near the end. Remember, practice makes perfect! Hope my guide helped
Hey king, im glad you finnaly posted this map. We had very fun testing this map, it might not look that good astheticly, but it was one of the most fun tracks ive ever played. king, ill show you how to bank when I come back, around the 6th of july.
Downloading, but changing start to 10 seconds. Why the hell would I wait 30 seconds just for you to show 3 lights at 10 second intervals trying to be realistic? Very stupid idea, people downloading the track just want to see the track and not wait half a minute thinking the map is broken. Sorry, just a pet peeve.
It doesn't seem that no one reads the description also just a warning before you use someone part of a track aka killer backflip I would pm him on HT or send a msg on xbl. I'm glad you gave credit most people wouldn't do that. Also people read the description he didn't make the backflip.
I'm down with trying anything out with cool jumps on it. Kudos to you for making a cool looking track. Downloading it right now.
Okay the back flip was amazing, I just played it and it was like slow motion when I got on. It was very very smooth and good length 4/5
Thanks guys... Umm Vapour Knuckles Who did create the backflip then? I would like to thank them tremendously...
Good Track, Although The light system is cool, It takes way to long. Also next time on your pictures some need to be closer and some need to be farther away.
Maybe not the best forged map, but it certainly looks fun. I like the "3..2..1.. Go!" system. Nice work and I hope you can improve this map or make a new one with that incredible tip.