rick astley has dies at the age of 42!!!!!!! what the **** is this world coming to omg!!!! rip rick <3 YouTube - Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up R.I.P news article click this is still unconfirmed, we will have to just wait and see if its true.
Honestly what the **** is going on now. I don't even know what to say. Like....****. It's actually true. What kind of coincidence is this?! I hope it's all a coincidence. Edit: Well I'll just wait for confirmation. If it is indeed true...wow.
iReport.com is a user-generated site. That means the stories submitted by users are not edited, fact-checked or screened before they post. Only stories marked "On CNN" have been vetted for use in CNN news coverage. Learn more » Also, the person who wrote it claims to be a Liz Sidoti, who writes about politics, not celebrity deaths. And it's only on this one site. I daresay this is a fake.
I think it's just another RickRoll. Just wait for the "News video" about his death to show up on YouTube.
It's a fake, a cleverly illustrated plan by none other than /b/ What do you expect? Anyone else and it may have been plausible, but Rick Astley was stepping a little bit too much into /b/'s realm.
Died in "Berlin Hotel." Yea. Sure. Next thing you know, they're going to declare that his wife shot him, and then commited suicide because of political matters.
City Brights: Zennie Abraham : George Clooney and Rick Astley are not dead; please stop it its all lies lock