Created by Lex 00 Supported Gametypes: -Capture the Flag -SWAT -Slayer -Custom Tower Power Time Taken To Complete: 13 - 15 hours Map Description Sight Out, this map was going to be a remake of Hang Em High, but changed alot when I decided to just to make it my own. This is actually is the second time I made this map because I found the way to have no money budgit, this allowed me to place more wepons, add extra walls and make the whole map 100% better than is was before. Sight Out originaly named Eldonic has two bases, one is pretty big with 3 levels and many entrances, the other small with 4 levels and few entrances. Each base has there own sniper and turret makeing the bigger base the choice for Tower Power. Note: The custom game variant Tower Power is only fun if you leave the turret stationary, and I tried eliminating the other turret but I can't. DOWNLOAD click to download map Sight Out Screen Shots DOWNLOAD MAP
No opposition here...just asking not to double post. And I think everyone here knows about the budget glitched maps.