Dear Bungie,

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Vinny, Jun 28, 2009.

  1. KratosAurion777

    KratosAurion777 Ancient
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    You didn't lose the "bang for your buck." As Grif has already pointed out, the money that you pay for DLC goes to help maintain servers and fund future projects. Think about it like this, you can either pay and extra 10$ when you buy the game to help cover the cost of servers and maintenance, or pay 10$ later for actual content, the proceeds of which go to help cover the cost of servers and maintenance. In the case of paying for DLC, you are getting more bang for your buck, but by not buying DLC, you aren't losing anything either, you still get to play matchmaking, but the functionality is limited because you aren't helping defer the costs or running the service.
  2. mavrick145

    mavrick145 Ancient
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    i looked up a few other game's DLCs and most of the big ones (like Epic Games, Bungie, Valve...) tried to get some of their DLC out for free, but microsoft won't let them, they're too big of money whores lol! anyway, you'll just have to live with it unitl you buy ODST, or the DLC.

    "Your life is pointless, and should be terminated."
    go to hell you little prick, this thread is truly pointless. you've been told several times that there is nothing left for you to do, now can we drop this ****??

    EDIT:damn posted at the same time as you KratosAurion777.
    #22 mavrick145, Jun 28, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2009
  3. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
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    If they are going to do it like that then, they should at least put a WARNING or a like a NOTICE on the cover so i'll be prepared to pay extra and not be blindsided or give me the option to pay at the store the extra (because i'll still grumble because I still think it's bullshit) money then so I can play whenever.

    Because they did not put anywhere on the box or the manual i'm very sure, that they specifically said that I would have to pay an extra fee at a later time to play the game.

    Do you see my point now? This is why I feel like i'm being cheated.

    No, this isn't pointless. It's a discussion. It hasn't broken any rules, (possibly borderline on the excessive cussing rule, but that's a judgment call) and hasn't gone off topic.

    So no, **** you. I'll discuss it as long as I wish. So leave if you don't want to talk about it anymore. Don't tell me to end my own thread. If you want to keep arguing, PM me so your butt can hurt some more.
    #23 Vinny, Jun 28, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2009
  4. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    If it comes with achievements(excluding some of the arcade games), then you have to pay. You're out of luck, there's no way its going to be free. That's why L4D survival and heroic maps are free. They don't have achievements. Microsoft(in a way) is basically selling gamerscore.

    EDIT: Shall we tone down the potty mouthing then Vinny?
    #24 Rifte, Jun 28, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2009
  5. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
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    What a bunch of whores.

    Like, really.

    But sure.
    #25 Vinny, Jun 28, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2009
  6. mavrick145

    mavrick145 Ancient
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    i see the point there, i didn't even think about that. i thought there was a few achievements for the heroic maps after the Mythic DLC came out? mabie i read it wrong...

  7. Zedwick

    Zedwick Ancient
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    I recently bought the two paid-for map packs, and played for a full night solid on the matchmaking playlists that required them - and I didn't even play on the new maps I had to pay for to get onto those playlists! THAT is what's ridiculous about it :p

    (oh, and hello. First time posting, thought this would be an awesome way to introduce myself)
  8. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
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    It was a good idea, because you agreed with me.

    You're a smart man.
  9. Dow

    Dow Ancient
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    I completely agree with you. I purchased the maps on a seperate account that ran out of gold, and because Microsoft is selfish, they dont allow the accounts on the same xbox to play DLC that was DLed on another gamertag. My method around this is to sign both profiles in at once, going local, loading up the maps, then siging back out and re-connecting to XBL. A lot of hassle to use something that I already paid for.
  10. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    It's an old complaint, but a valid one, one which I myself agree with wholeheartedly. Server upkeep is one thing, but that should be included within the Live service, a service which we pay for already. And as for this 'future projects' argument, sorry but that just doesn't sit right. I'm going to pay for these projects upon release if I want them, right? So taking money now by means of a separate project is not cool. If a project is going to cost something, that's where the money for said project should come from, and we know for damn sure that any such project coming out of Bungie whilst they're still under the heel of MS is gonna cost.

    But, that said, it is indeed MS who call the shots on this, as others have said in here. As a result I think it quite harsh to leap upon Bungie like so many do. Sure it may not be immediately apparent that it isn't Bungie charging for the map packs, but if someone is going to go off on a moral tirade then I think it fair to expect them to at least find out the basic facts of what's actually going on.

    Still, this is a gripe that's come up before and is unlikely to just disappear, nor do I think it should. I honestly can't see any logical reasoning for those who support the decision to charge, the only arguments I see are basically "I've paid for the maps so I don't care, thus I'm just gonna say you're whining without actually thinking whether it's fair or not", or the old "If you want to keep playing, it's fair to pay". Now excuse me, but that's just insane, you can't just demand an arbitrary request of someone to keep playing a game and, if they find it unreasonable, then say that they clearly don't care enough about the game and thus their opinion is invalid.

    "Excuse me sir, but if you wish to continue playing Halo 3 Matchmaking then I'm afraid the new rules state that you must personally execute your own family"

    "But I don't want to do that"

    "Then you obviously don't care enough about Halo, and it's fair to stop you playing the game you have already paid for".

    But yeah, there isn't really any logical support for the practice other than a capitalist desire for profit (which does highlight one important thing: this is capitalism, if you don't like it then don't buy the game, but I'm on board with Vinny here in that it was hardly made clear that future payments would be required to continue playing MM when I bought the damn thing), so the principle of discussion and debate on this is basically lost. Put on top of that the fact that there is no way in hell an angry message from you is going to make MS change their minds, and you do indeed have a discussion which I'd say is largely pointless. I'm not saying this thread is misguided, quite the opposite, but the fact is this: there is an injustice, no logical support of this injustice has so far been put forward, nor is there likely to be one, but neither can anything really be done about this. So on that note I ask, where exactly is this thread going?
    #30 Pegasi, Jun 29, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2009
  11. Dow

    Dow Ancient
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    Thank you for putting what all of the supporters are trying to say into an intelligent argument. It is things like this though that make me STRONGLY support Obama for his Socialist ideals. I wish there was a country that was COMPLETELY socialist without capitalist OR communist bias. I would definitely live there.
  12. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Thank you for the kind words. One thing though, it's a little off topic but I think you may be a little confused on socialism/communism. Socialism isn't the medium point between capitalism and communism. Socialism can be appreciated as the collection of ideas mainly focused around Marx and Engels' political writings, whereas communism is the name under which it is generally practiced (at least in political assertion if not in fact). Both of those descriptions are wildly reductive, but I hope they get the point across. I think what you're talking about is a capitalist country with socialist ethics, which is in fact what much of the western world implements, albeit in varying degrees. It is in this sense that I'm rather happy to live in the UK where there is a larger focus on socialist politics and the welfare state than in many other western democracies, albeit not massively.
    #32 Pegasi, Jun 29, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2009
  13. Draxfear

    Draxfear Ancient
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    I stopped playing after i got Heroic maps and the free one. I don't lke multiplayer much and all the money i would have spent on maps could have gone to a nice singleplayer game, which it did :) Anyway, I'm just gunna get ODST. Having the maps in there that i can't play now just gives me more to look forward to.
  14. Zedwick

    Zedwick Ancient
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    The point of this thread, I believe, is so those that are annoyed by having to pay for the maps can express their annoyance and feel slightly better about it, especially when someone else agrees with them.
    I don't really mind paying for the maps as such, just that I needed them to play a matchmaking playlist which the maps seem to appear rarely if at all in.

    I feel better :)
  15. Grif

    Grif Na'vi Tits
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    Look Vinny, I understand you are upset but take a look at this. Bungie did say that future DLC would be incorporated into matchmaking. And they did take extra time to make the DLC and they need to get payed for it. Most people who still play bought the DLC and uses it although not everyone did. I don't think there is anything that I can say to break your argument but this is just the way I view it.
  16. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
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    plus, like Drax said, buy ODST, all of the current maps plus three others come with it..
  17. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    That is still no excuse.

    In Halo 2, the maps were integrated with the original maps once they came out, they also added the Preview playlists buut that' snot here nore there.

    They've already gotten more then it took to make the maps. At this point, the only reason the maps aren't free is because of the achievements.
  18. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Way to not even try and validate your point of view besides "I'm ok, thus I don't care about what's fair", as well as randomly insulting those who disagree with you. Seriously, I hold that this thread isn't going anywhere fast anyway, but if people are just going to use it as an opportunity to be smug and deride those who feel cheated paying twice for one product, then there's no hope for it.
  19. mastersync23

    mastersync23 Ancient
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  20. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    C'mon dude, you can do better than that. Now I know many in here are assuming that everyone complaining about this is just annoyed that they can't play Halo. But I bought the Legendary on release, doesn't mean I was happy about it. It's totally unfair to say that you're relegated to social playlists if you don't want to keep paying indefinitely.

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