Foundry Carnage Pit

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Lewis5066, Jun 29, 2009.

  1. Lewis5066

    Lewis5066 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hey all,

    My first attempt in forge, this has taken me about a week to finish and i hope your pleased with the result, I decided to call the map CARNAGE PIT, and you'll soon see why, The map started off as The Foundary, but everything soon got deleted and i started from scratch. It has an array of short and long range spots for all you Shotgunners & Snipers out there! Can you find the hidden sniper spots???

    Recommended 2 - 8 Players


    All Slayers, Oddball, CTF, Assault, KOTH & Territories.


    Frag Grenades,
    Plasma Grenades,
    Firebomb Grenades,

    Bubble Shield,
    Power Drain,

    Assault Rifles,
    Battle Rifles,
    Brute Shot,
    Enegy Sword,
    Covenant Carbine,
    Fuel Rod Gun & Machine Gun Turrets






    Heres the links....................

    Carnage Pit Map DOWNLOAD HERE!!

    Please let me know what you think of the map and any improves i could do.

    Thanks all, Enjoy the map!

    #1 Lewis5066, Jun 29, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2009

    Senior Member

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    I like the design. It looks like a Gears of War style map. Some of the interlocking could be better. I'm talking about the base made out of walls with the barrels on top. It seems like this area would be heavy with grenade ricocheting, so I would inter lock the ceiling. You can do this by stacking walls to you get the desired height. If memory serves you might have to stack a fence wall in that mix too. I heard of a method of turning over a dumpster so it stands straight up, but I've never tried it. Over all I like it.

    Also, people around here are sticklers for the rules and the link to your file share is one of them. I'm not sure why, but the rule is to have it link to the map. All you need to do is click on the map in your file share and copy paste that Url. Then cut the one in you file share link here in this post. Paste the new Url, and rename it to something like "Download Here!"
    #2 VANILLA GORILLA, Jun 29, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2009
  3. Lewis5066

    Lewis5066 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks Vanilla, i got rid of the fileshare link now :D
  4. VIBlackDragonIV

    VIBlackDragonIV Ancient
    Senior Member

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    There is a forum called Forging 101 that can teach you everything and to anything you need to know on how to make your ma the best it can be. As well as Vanilla said it is against ForgeHub's rules not have a link directly to your map and not to your file share. But ou DID do a good job on embedding your screenshots and the layout of your map is very good. Good job on all your work.

    P.S. "ya'll" is a perfectly acceptable term for us forgers in the South :]
    #4 VIBlackDragonIV, Jun 29, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2009
  5. xPsychZerox

    xPsychZerox Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I think this map has a pretty good layout, but maybe add some aesthetics just to sort of touch your map up a bit. Aesthetics aren't necessary, unless you want to have your map look good. I agree with the BlackDragon about checking out the forging 101 section. It'll really help you out on techniques and gameplay in your map will improve. This doesn't mean that your map has poor gameplay. Seems like a pretty good map overall. 3/5

    P.S. I totally agree about using yall. I use yall all the time, seeing as I live in Texas.

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