Alright, so my friend was talking about how he waits for his br to get to the head before he shoots, so he's not firing the br as fast as he can. I shoot as fast as I can, trying to keep the br closest to the head as I can. Which is better? 1. Fast, a little off aim br. or 2. Slower, but head shot br. Votes: 1: One 2: Zero
i do the same as you, when i'm forced to use the BR. i hate the gun personaly and i think it was much better in halo 2. Ar FTW
:O SCRUBBBBCAKEEEE! Nawwww, i jk. Its your choice. AR is bettar close range, but i prefer the BR over any gun. Maybe not sniper. For my BR i shoot like hell, but i usually kill them, im decent with a BR. Snipes, i take my time setting up the headshot when scoped, not scoped i just aim for there body and hope i get them.
I used to do that, but i never got a shot in, now i quick scope really good, and get tons of headshots, seems when i put myself under pressure with the sniper, i do much bettar. edit: Faster.
Quick scopes FTW. Sniper/BR combo FTW. No scope whoring FTW. Being beast at sniping FTW. Using the AR FTW FTL. Oh yeah, fast FTW. EDIT: 7 Sensitivity FTW.
To be honest, my 7 sensitivity allows me to shoot at the head and fast. My reaction time is sick, and I usually 4-6 shot people quickly. So, neither. Oh yeah, and Mavrick, I use the AR too. I occasionally surprise people by ARing, then 5 shotting their teamate in Doubles xD.
Im sens 2 lol, it helps my BR, but it doesnt really affect my sniping, seeing how i dont stay scoped while changing my few.
My sensitivity is usualy at 1 or 2 whichever I am in the mood for, so I am fast and accurate all the time. All these people who say "I have a fast reaction time" with their fast sensitivities, think that it helps them in Br, when it really doesn't, and I end up out-BRing them 99% of the time.
1. 7 sensitivity + Bumper Jumper = 1337 N1NJ4! P.S. THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID at the title of this thread.
I play on sensitivity 1 so my reticule on their head is almost instantaneous. What I do do though is if I see someone running that I have a clear shot at, but they have cover nearby, I won't shoot. This gives them a false impression that they are safe, and will come out into the open not noticing I'm there. Once they reach the point of no return, as in they wouldn't be able to get behind cover in time before I 4 shot them, I fire away.
Like all the replys, but people are kinda getting off topic. It's okay to get off topic, if you give a reason for which one you picked. Thanks ;D
Psh.. I've learned where the head hit box is on spartan's and elites, so I just aim fast, and shoot which is usually a 4 shot with a BR.. Same with snipers, and I can almost always headshot people... 10 Sensitivity ftw?
you are just FTW aren't you? i aim for the head, always. with every gun, every time count me as steady i guess
Lol. Yea, I'm gunna have to go with the third option as well. PS: That's a dirty title name if you know what I mean
Sorry, had too lol ANd i have a steady br, so i tend to just shoot my ass off, it usually ends up taking me 5 shots instead of 4... but i still rape noobs in teh buttox
shoot the chest till the shields pop and then i aim for the head.... it takes me between 3 to 5 shots to pop the shield and i almost always get the head shot within 1 or 2 shots.