I like that one better, however, the correct perspective would have the man blurred. But, I get what you were going for, ball really close to the camera and therefore blurry. I like the line, and it has some good flow to it, however I don't really like the clouds, the just seem over contrasted and bright. Well, its better than some of your other work. But I don't like the hard c4d you used on the right side, the text could use some work, and its overall busy and the focal isn't very well defined. The flow on the left is kinda messed up IMO. Optimus is also kinda blurry to me. I do kinda like the top right, like the dark area, although it would have to be combined with some other effects. Pretty nice. However, its very bland and doesn't have much flow. The text could use some work and a bg that isn't so bland would be nice....Not much to say here. well, its very nice. The circles could use something done to them. IDK what, but as is they don't look very hot. I also don't like how her hair switches from red to grey and back. I also don't like how the lines turn blue in areas. Her face is also a little contrasted for me...but thats just my opinon...
ok here is my new try. i wasnt really sure what to do with the left side and tried to make the right side alittle more dark like the top of the original and just decided to go with no text cause i suck at it here is the original
Personally I like it better without the text, and the red inthe background is a bit weird because the rest of the signature is in blue, try to dim that down to a more blueish colour. Tip for text; try to keep your text horizontal or vertical instead of going diagonal, it might feel like it's going against the flow but really it adds more interest and your eyes follow it in more directions but in a flowy manner. It's a bit contrasted you might want to turn that down some, and for text just type something up and start moving it around the canvas until you find the sweet spot, most the time it works, well it does for me atleast.
I like it contrasted, but I guess its just my opinion. I did try to move the text around,but it doesn't fit maybe I can find good colors.
ok ill try it out but i do like w/o text but ill give it a try i might like it more if i get good text
Without text looks pretty good at the moment, if you can't whip up any text just use the one without text instead.
The blue you chose is a bit too bright, and the text is too fancy, stick with basic fonts for this one.
Yeah, I still think it doesn't look good. It just well...The font is a little much a simpler one might be a little better. I don't know what you could do to make it look better though....Smaller, full opacity maybe? idk, your welcome to ask for Hells. Remove the scanlines, and the white lines too, they disrupt the flow. Then I'll see about the rest.