We Will Fight on Our Last Stand -This is an infection game where the humans have to protect a base that is situated in the center of the map while the zombies attack the base from all directions. -Nothing respawns except of equipment items, such as grenades, trip mines, bubble shield ect. and the overshield. So ammo is limited and team work is necessary to survive the whole round. -There are 3 rounds, each 5 minutes long. The initail zombie count is 25% Zombie Shields and Health -Damage Resistance: 50% -Shield Multiplier: Normal Shields -Shield Recharge Rate: 0%(No Recharge) -Shield Vampirism: 50% Leech Zombie Movement -Player Speed: 150% -Player Gravity: 75% Human Shields and Health -Normal Shields and Health Human Weapons and Damage -Primary Weapon: Assault Rifle -Secondary Weapon: None -Grenade Count: None Human Movement -Player Speed: 90% -Player Gravity: 100% (Normal) Pictures DOWNLOAD THE MAP DOWNLOAD THE GAME VARIANT
im not sure about the gametype for this map because the turrets would demolish zombies really quickly maybe get rid of some other than that id say the map is really good i like the look of the base
I should mention that i did add some cover at the long ends of where the zombies attack. i got the idea of the map from watching the movie Starship Stroopers, the scene where the bug-aliens set a trap for the humans and a huge wave of bug-aliens attack from all directions and the humans kill a lot them but eventually the numbers of the bug-aliens becomes too great.