Ocho Station This map is my second racetrack/race map. There is a drifting/power slide turn.(flat) Then there is a smooth banked turn. Many aesthetics around the track which i'll show you in a bit. Usually for a track to have a 3-4 minute run time, it'll take about 10 laps. (Accourding to haloracingleague.com map rules) But mine is a bit shorter than that. mine takes around 2 1/2 minutes to finish ten laps. I Timed myself do 20 laps around, and it was 4 1/2 minutes. (basicaly meaning, do 20 laps, it's better. lol) Here are some pictures explaining the map... overview 1 overview 2 stating gate 1st turn (flat) other side of 1st turn (flat) the rocket ship, the kill ball is the propulson. It also has the tower that hold the rocket up before take off, just like at N.A.S.A. (it is located inside of the flat turn) View of support tower top view of cross section ramps If you try to cheat at the destination pint, you accidentally go through the teleporter, you go here and fall to your death... banked turn (right side) Banked turn (left side) Uncheatable destination (trust me, i trued for hours...) The lookout tower... (idk, but it looks cool) view of the station from afar Well, that's all folks, I hope you liked it... DL links: Map- Ocho Station Gametype- RACETRACKS 20
The whole idea of this map is quite well thought up. The map is so smooth and the interlocking is superb! It looks like a lot of fun too! I also enjoy the figure-8ish idea. Kudos to you!
Nice racetrack. A Simplistic desgin, a figure eight. but this is very nice. the aesthetics of the station and rocket are very cool and actually give a setting of sorts to the map since the map is so simple, you were able to eleaborate on that. The layout is cool and the center jump is intuitive, you have a chance to collide with other racers. Very nice. Screw Figlation, this is way better. You got my download.
Very well forged map, however short it is. I love the rocket and writing aesthetics. -Your interlocking is amazing: 5/5 -Again, I thought the rocket and writing aesthetics were pretty original for a racetrack: 5/5 -The figure eight has been used alot- but your space station theme really gives back some originality: 3.5/5 Overall Rating: 4.5/5 Dominant Rating: 5/5 Other comments: Very nice map, good job! I look forward to more maps from you. EDIT: After racing the map, I noticed that your jumps are not fluent on launch or landing. You may want to decrease the incline of those blocks in a V2 so that people don't bounce up when jumping and are less likely to flip when landing.
Figure 8 maps seem to be on the rise, but they all have them overlap at different levels. This is the first one I've seen that makes them collide. And is exactly what I've been looking for. This definitely has my download. The aesthetics are really nice. I like the rocket a lot, but I'm not so sure if adding another tower-esque was the right choice. It sort of ruined the rocket's uniqueness, and awesomeness to the map. My Overall rating is a 4/5
Thank you for the replies guys. (lol, Rhymed) I didn't realize my interlocking was so "AMAZING", but thanks anyways. I really wanted this track to be "more" than a regular figure 8. I posted this in the "map database" if anyone wants to write a review on it. Thanks again guys.