Compromised - This transit station has been made into a combat zone during this time of war. Transition - The battles of old left the station in a also left something else... (it's supposed to look wrecked) This map is a symmetrical map made in the skybox. This map has two bases both connected by ground and two side bridges. One bridge is higher in the air, while other one is level with the ground. This map is recommended for 2v2, 3v3, or 4v4. 5v5 and up might get a little crowded. This map works well with Multi-Flag CTF (recommended 5 flag caps and short return time) , Assualt, Team Slayer, King of the Hill, and the alternate map is made for Infection. Weapons Etc. Name x# / Re-spawn Time / Extra Clips Battle Rifle x8 / 30 / 2 Brute Shot x2 / 60 / 2 Shotgun x1 / 90 / 1 Carbine x2 / 10 / 2 SMG x4 / 30 / 2 Brute Spiker x2 / 30 / 2 Bubble Shield x2 / 120 / -- Regenerator x2 / 120 / -- Power Drain x1 / 120 / -- OverShield x1 / 180 / -- Plasma Grenades x16 / 10 / -- Frag Grenades x6 / 10 / -- This was my 1st actual planned map. It's multi layers allow a solid gameplay flow. There are multiple ways into each base as well as multiple ways to each side area. I tried to eliminate camping, but's inevitable really. And here are the pictures: Compromised Red Base: Spoiler Red Base Back of Red Base Blue Base: Spoiler Blue Base Back of Blue Base The rest: Spoiler Front View Lower Level Opposite Side, Mid Level Lift to Upper Level Top of upper level/lift Middle Area / Shot gun spawn Here are the Pics from Transition...the infected variant of Compromised: Spoiler Zombie Spawn Human Spawn Thanks guys for checking this out Here are the links: Compromised Transistion (infected version)
Looks pretty good I think the Game play is going to be great with the map. I am going to judge this map for the team.
hey this map looks really really unique i like it alot the bases are completely original and the whole idea is great the forging on this map is also great and the bases look like exact copies only one is blue and one is red the gameplay looks like it would be good and fun i will dl once i fix my xbox but 5/5 for now good job
I absoletely EL OH VEE EEH The design, very well thought out. I also like the creativity of messing everything up for the infected version My con - there is a lot of sloppy forging, like take for example the first pic, where some of the columns aren't even touching. I can't dl anything now, but from the looks of it this deserves a 4/5. Nice map!
It seems like you know how to interlock, so why did you not merge the blocks on top of the bases so they were flat? I do like how you have modified it for infection though.
I did not interlock the top blocks, because i thought the angled pieces were more aesthetically pleasing. But maybe not for some I guess. The columns are not touching becuase they are not supposed to be touching. They are spaced evenly apart, also I don't have anymore pieces to interlock something between them. But I really do appreciate the comment on the design, it took some time to create this design. thanks for the input and will be happy to answer anymore questions
Fair enough. I was by no means suggesting you should change it if you like it how it is, that is just my opinion and I was curious. Cool map and good work.
haha also, those blue blocks were part of the stacked canvas, and the put start at beginning to no and start a new round way of interlocking wouldn't work, so it would have had to been some other way that I am not familiar with to interlock them.