This is the nomination thread for the second edition of Forge Hub Favorites. Please follow the rules below. Voting will commence on Monday, July 5th. Rules -Do NOT nominate your own map -You are allowed four nominations for this round -Provide links to Forge Hub threads. -Provide the name of the map creator. -Do NOT flame other users nominations -Do NOT discuss nominations in the nomination thread. -Do NOT nominate featured maps -Do NOT nominate previous FHF entries. -This is your chance to recommend lesser known forgers, so take advantage of it. Have fun everyone.
Damn I'm confused. Is this like, another round of forgehub favorites? We just finished voting on the other one. Does that mean that we cannot nominate maps from the previous edition? If so, I'm totally fine with that. Though it does seem awkward how another voting will begin just days after the previous one ended. I'm somewhat afraid that the 'best of the best' will not be presented here, since it is likely that we have already nominated our honest favorites in the first one.
You can't nominate the winners, those who were not the top 6 (feel free to check the voting thread), will be ignored. The announcement will be going up soon.
Three questions. 1. May we start nominating right now? Yes 2. Do they have to be from 2009? No 3. Do maps need to be from lesser known forgers? No
I nominate: 1:Mesiah by I Shadowsth I 2:The Gravitator by Sarge 525 3:Andromeda by oO Slik Oo 4:Telekinesis by PRSplayer42
My Nominations: •Granite Basin by Gunnergrunt •Solarium by Aimless Ant •Messiah by I Shadowsth I •Tremular City by Black Theorem
Tremular City by Black Theorem An all around great map. The city feel was a nice twist on classic tremors and mouse gameplay
You are all breaking the "no discussion of nominations in this thread" rule. I do not want any more posts without nominations in this thread.
I nominate: Prodigy by TFx KiLl3r Diversity by TFx KiLl3r Frailty by Hadokenchild ----Yet to be decided----
1: Solarium- By Aimless Ant 2: Hog the Hill- By Seaboro Kibbles 3: The Gravitator- By Sarge525
Monday The voting didn't start on Monday July 5th, probably because July 5th was not a Monday this year. If the nominations are still open I would like to suggest Frailty as well.