Sandbox Impossibility

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by OhNoez64, Jun 5, 2009.

  1. OhNoez64

    OhNoez64 Ancient
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    Impossibility <- Map link.
    Impossibility started as a simple project after I saw a small slayer map I can't remember the name of and thought I'd have my share in the fun.

    It was MEANT to look realistic and it was MEANT to bigger, but I decided instead of building outwards like many other maps do, I built up instead.

    Since 75% of the Hub community thinks that interlocking makes a map, I feel I need to say the following.

    Most of you, minus the people who review WELL, think that because the map is messy, the gameplay will be messy. I can tell you that this is not the case. I had a blast playing 4 FFA on it, And I find for my first slayer map, it's very good to my terms.
    Download the map before you review on it's gameplay. If you rate my aesthetics, You don't necessarily NEED to download it, but you can't look at a book and know it's story inside out can you?


    Impossibility - A small 1v1. 2v2. or 5 FFA Slayer, KOTH, or Oddball.

    = PICTURES =
    Overview 1

    Overview 2

    Camo spawn

    Bubble shield + Gravlift/Magnum spawn. I'll let you firgure this easy one out.

    BR, F.Coil, and Plasma nade spawn.

    Lift to the top of the pipe.

    Other Gravlift/Magnum spawn + Carbine spawn.

    Other BR + F.Coil spawn.

    2 AR spawns + one plasma nade.

    Blocked piping view + 2nd AR spawn again.

    Sniper + Plasma nade, and PP and Regen spawn.

    2 Carbine spawns

    Ruin wall view.

    Cave. If you have a Carbine + a few plasmas, you can dominate this area.

    ONLY SET UP FOR Slayer, Oddball, + King Of The Hill.


    Rate + Comment with ONLY contructive criticism, and PLEASE, OH DEAR GOD PLEASE. None of the 'Great map man! 5/5' bullcrap please

    Impossibility <- Map link if you missed it.
    #1 OhNoez64, Jun 5, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2009
  2. siberian w0lf

    siberian w0lf Ancient
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    Are the walls meant to be so messy? Also, how would you get to the floating platforms?
  3. Chilledyou

    Chilledyou Ancient
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    I realise the type of map you were going for, however there are only a few maps that have pulled off being 'messy', I do not think you pulled it off. This map does not look like it was planned out, it rather looks like you just picked a random object and placed it somewhere. Also a must-need nowadays for a succesful map is lots of interlocking- I do not see any. 1/5.
  4. Combat P3nguin

    Combat P3nguin Ancient
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    floating platforms is easy just put on boject on top of another one then delet the bottom one then u have a floating box or something, on the other hand this map is realy messy i dont think many people will go on this
  5. OhNoez64

    OhNoez64 Ancient
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    If you climb up the grav lift, and jump accross the floating ramps you can get up, if you place a grav lift close to the small room with the coils and the br, theres a whole in the roof and you can get up.

    There are PLENTY of ways for getting up.

    The floating was simply done by holding the item in place and saving n' quitting. Check the Forging 101.

    If you read the screenshot caption, its a RUIN wall, so yes, it's meant to look messy. The ruins and floating adds to the feel of what the map is about.

    Now before I make you look like a tard, i'll say one thing. there IS interlocking, just only where it's needed, mainly for aesthetics.



    This was actually quite planned out, if you downloaded it and tryed it out, and didn't judge a book by it's cover I wanted to achieve a map that you could jump from anywhere to just about anywhere, to make for fast paced game play.

    Some maps do not need interlocking, in fact, I've played a KOTH map made by a mate that had zero interlocking, and only ONE object geomerged in the wall a slight bit, and then I played a map by that mates BROTHER, and it was Forgehub Feature material IMO, but If i could choose to play one again, it would NOT be the latter.

    GAMEPLAY > AESTHETICS. I WILL be making a V2, making the walls interlocked, and some of the objects on the walls geomerged by for now this is one of the more fun maps i've played on.

    PLEASE. If you are rating on Aesthetics, go ahead and flame away, but if you rate on gameplay and what you 'THINK' happened in the process of the map, Download first, kids.

    GAME PLAY > AESTHETICS. I'll say it as much as I need to.
    #5 OhNoez64, Jun 5, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2009
  6. F2P Game7ypes

    F2P Game7ypes Ancient

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    good map.
    i think that on your map are too much f.coils.
    but thats your decsion whatyou add on your map.
    overall ok. 2.5/5
  7. OhNoez64

    OhNoez64 Ancient
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    There aren't too many coils, accually, I took 10 tests to get them where I wanted. I placed them on points people go to often.

    HINT: You can also use them to jump to higher parts easier.
  8. siberian w0lf

    siberian w0lf Ancient
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    What I meant was how to get up to the floating platforms when playing the map, not how to create floating objects, which I already know how to do. It's alright though, he answered my question.
  9. Ja Red is Ninja

    Ja Red is Ninja Ancient
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    lololol... The creator already mentioned it. There are grav lifts and other ****. I like the style you were trying to go with in this map. It looks like a space station that got the **** beat out of it and now no gravity makes it look sexy. To those of you who are complaining, Stop. It's annoying and you are pissing off the creator of the map. He made it this way for a reason.

    And also, Great map man! 5/5

    Senior Member

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    Nice map,
    thats a good idea to use fusion coils to jump to higher parts.
    But i think it looks better merged .
    You right the gameplay is almost the same, but i personally more like to play a well forged map then a map without interlocking.
    I see that you got a good idea.
    I will test the gameplay on your map and give you feedback later.
    So overall 3/5.
  11. last_chaos_7

    last_chaos_7 Ancient
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    The easiest way to float objects is to hold them where you want them in mid air.... the save and end the game... it will be floating where you were holding it last round.... that is how we make racetracks lol
  12. OhNoez64

    OhNoez64 Ancient
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    I'm doin' a V2 right now, and the parts that REALLY needed Interlocks are ruin-ish, but interlocked none the less.

    Thanks for being the first to say they are going to rate GAMEPLAY, F2P =D
  13. cookie6monster6

    cookie6monster6 Ancient
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    "Since 75% of the Hub community thinks that interlocking makes a map, I feel I need to say the following."

    i have to agree that you do NOT have to interlink wall to have a good map. i liked yr map also 4/5 man, and like you should try to make a bigger version, i would like to see that

  14. AlexIsCoool

    AlexIsCoool Ancient
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    He didn't ask how to float he asked how to get to the floating plats while in gameplay.

    And to the map:
    No, geomerging does not make a good map, but it does make something. It shows care, and it shows that you took time to make it.
    Maps like "nooks and crannies" look good while being messy. This doesn't. Stick to the clean maps to show people that you do take time to make your maps.
    The problem with messy AND floating is you are always looking down at your feet trying to land jumps as opposed to looking at enemies.
    #14 AlexIsCoool, Jun 14, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2009
  15. Ja Red is Ninja

    Ja Red is Ninja Ancient
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    I'll just vouch for it. I played and looked at it today. The gameplay was fantastic and the floating objects added a little wtf factor to the map. Thus, Irate it a 4.7/5
  16. OhNoez64

    OhNoez64 Ancient
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    Thanks for the kind words, gang =D.

    And thank you Ja Red for accually PLAYING before you rated it horribly.
    Cookie, thank you for realising that interlocking does not make a map.

    To those of you who are complaining, Stop. It's annoying and you are pissing off the creator of the map. He made it this way for a reason.

    I love you.
  17. The Unirocerous

    The Unirocerous Ancient
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    Honestly I think it looks very good. The messiness is something more people need to use, it really mixes up gameplay and gives a more unique feeling. I also love how many people on forgehub are getting pissed off that you didn't interlock :p. Obviously I cannot rate it, because I have not played it; but you can bet you ass that I'm going to download this... I'll even try to get back to you with what I thought.

    P.S. I agree that gameplay tops aesthetics, every day.
  18. OhNoez64

    OhNoez64 Ancient
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    Add me on XBL ( OhNoez64 ) and I'd be glad to play on it with you =P
  19. The Unirocerous

    The Unirocerous Ancient
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    Alright, my gt is powndclmn, so expect it later tonight.
  20. Chronic Fate

    Chronic Fate Ancient
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    o_O You jump. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out

    BTW, the map looks fun and hectic. I won't download though, it doesn't look the best.


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