I hope this is the right forum to post this... So, anyway I have a map where the player spawns on the sentinel beam and whenever I play the custom game the sentinel beams just don't spawn. They spawn in forge... I know they respawn every 30 seconds (there are 2 sentinel beams) and they don't spawn at the start. I have had this problem before but a very long time ago, and I don't remember how I fixed this or what conditions caused this. If anyone has had this problem before I could use some help here. I have solved the problem, just make a new gametype and the sentinel beams should respawn like they should.
As far as I know they probably are just glitched up, so I would suggest deleting them and replacing them.
Maybe it's because it's on the player spawn... Simply move it then to a close location like infront of the spawn.
I have already tried this, It did not help. I just tried this out and I moved them clear off of any spawn point and I also did not help... Any other suggestions? Has anyone else ever had this problem
Are they default weapons? I would assume not, but I don't play default maps or MM anymore, so, are they defaults?
I've been in a situation somewhat like this. When I had to merge 2 barricades together, and set it to not respawn until 30 seconds, it just stays there when I restart. Like it's the same, and I can move it around as soon as the game starts. But when I go to customs, it dissapears and reappears. What I did was delete every single barricade, restarted my 360, and when I tried again, it worked fine. @Kronos-They're not default weapons.