Sandbox Surge

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by oh knarly, Jun 20, 2009.

  1. oh knarly

    oh knarly Ancient
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    Hi guys this is my first ever map, took me just over a week to make and I can't say I loved every minute of building it because I'm sure you all know, forge can be frustrating. However, I'm pleased with the result and I hope you will give it a try.

    Surge : Halo 3 File Details

    This is an almost symmetrical map focusing on close combat team work aswell as clever individual gameplay. The main stucture in the map is the two leveled building in the middle, this contains 8 different entrances with two grav lifts taking you up to the top floor.

    The map is set up for and supports FFA slayer ,Team Slayer ( 2-6 players on each side ), CTF ( same number ), KOTH and Oddball.


    Battle Rifle x6 (30 sec / 2 extra clips )
    Needler x2 (45 sec / 2 extra clips )
    Sniper Rifle x2 (90 sec / 1 extra clip )
    SMG x4 (45 sec / 2 extra clips )
    Carbine x2 (45 sec / 2 extra clips )
    Shotgun x2 (60 sec / 1 extra clip )
    Plasma Pistol x2 ( 30 sec )
    Rocket Launcher x1 ( 120 sec / 0 extra clip )
    Bruteshot x1 ( 45 sec / 1 extra clip )
    Mauler x1 ( 45 sec / 1 extra clip )

    Frag Grenades x8 (20 sec )
    Plasma Grenades x8 (20 sec )
    Power Drain x1 ( 90 sec )
    Bubble Shield x1 ( 90 sec )
    Regenerator x1 (90 sec )
    Overshield x1 ( 180 sec )
    Active camo x1 ( 180 sec )

    No vehicles included

    Overview of map

    Red base & Red Eye

    Top Floor

    Blue Shotgun




    Big thanks to Norlinsky for hooking me up with this vid he took.

    YouTube - Surge by oh knarly

    I hope everyone give this map a go and has some fun, which is of course why I made it. I would love to try some 4v4 team slayer on it, or at least hear about someone else who played it..

    Lots of thanks to JMJ405, Mr Garfunkle and Norlinsky who played some games with me last night.
    #1 oh knarly, Jun 20, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2009

    Senior Member

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    nice map, i like that you interlock some of your objects.
    you got a good layout and some good ideas maybe i would add something to the top middle, cause its a little bit open.
    over nice work.
  3. oh knarly

    oh knarly Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Cheers for comments, I would add more to it but I ran out of items.. and I only just found out about the glitch.
  4. GR4V3mind117

    GR4V3mind117 Ancient
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    An awesome first map! Good Job... (Looks at your username) Oh Knarly!

    I do not see any flaws with this one,

    Nominating for Feature... NAO!

  5. SK Aleks

    SK Aleks Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow I like this map and from what I seen this would be a good map for matchmaking/ The only thing that bothers me is the top view. On the top view from the top and bottom of the middle structure you can see the blocks aren't even. Other than that 5/5 ^.^
  6. Mr Garfunkle

    Mr Garfunkle Ancient
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    Had fun in testing yesterday, glad to see you put it up. I hope you edited those respawn times, because they got to be a pain. The map structure is very good, and works out well in gameplay. Well done on the video Norlinsky, I had no idea you were making it. Give this map a go, it's worth it.
  7. oh knarly

    oh knarly Ancient
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    Thanks garfunkle and yeah I sorted the respawn times out and removed some equipment as that was a little too overpowering. Added ramps next to the shield doors so its easier to get back in and some more cover to the left of the bases, I had a laugh aswell.

    @Sk aleks : Oh yeah, they are slightly crooked. Thanks for the spot!

    @Greatjedi : I'm guessing your recommended feature is sarcasm but thanks for comment anyway.
  8. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    For your first map post, good job. There are a couple places on the map which looks sloppy, although from the video i see it doesnt effect the gameplay. From what i can see you took your time on the map and it looks like you guys had fun playing it. I`ll give this map a spin.
  9. oh knarly

    oh knarly Ancient
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    Thanks, your pretty much right. Its a little edgy in places but thats due to my lack of experience with forge. My main aim was to create a good map to play on and I think I've achieved that. Thanks for the download and comment.

    I've just applied to have this tested so anyone wanting to get some practise in before next sunday is welcome to play with me on it, anytime apart from monday night.
    #9 oh knarly, Jun 21, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2009
  10. Darkastic

    Darkastic Ancient
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    I've gotta say I'm lovin the techno-ish feel of those corner tubes with the r/b columns. I love that idea. The center piece is extravagant, And everything seems to have a well thought-out flow to it, and is this your first map? If so it is great. Blows my first out of the water hehe. I wanna play this tomorrow, definitely! 5/5
  11. CookieMan

    CookieMan Ancient
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    Nice job! Interlocking is clearly visible, and the map reminds me of some kind of test project... 4.9/5! There's always something to improve ;) and I spotted it.

    PS: Surge is the name of a race map, I kept it on my console until yesterday, so I suggest finding a new name. Not my race map, though.
  12. oh knarly

    oh knarly Ancient
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    Cheers, I just need some people to test it 4v4 now.
  13. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    Its good. And fun. But, there is a huge problem that keeps it from getting anything above 5/10 (average.) That is the huge amount of power weapons. I have a two bases map that im testing right now, and it has four power weapons, plus four Brs. Thats like half of the weapons on your map. And, you map is a bit smaller than that map. My point is, use power weapons sparingly.
  14. oh knarly

    oh knarly Ancient
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    Cheers for comment, I was thinking of removing the snipers.. think I might now. Although I think having lots of different weapons can only be a good thing, but your right about too many powerful weapons.
  15. Mr. Skittles

    Mr. Skittles Ancient
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    Don't post crap like this...

    But onto what I think. I like it, but (and this may only be from pictures) it looks a bit lopsided (first picture) and some things don't look very straight or lined up. But the rest does look good, especially the "Blue Shotgun" hut right..see? Right there. No, it's there.

    Anyway. I like your weapons' set up and the traits for them, although the shotgun may have too short a respawn with one clip, so perhaps fix that. And there really needs to be some Assault Rifles, but I haven't played this so I don't know they effect they might have...

    And also the almost symmetricality is a great thing. I love maps that aren't random but aren't the same on both sides. Now, is this primarily a team vs. team map? Because there don't seem to be specific "team-start" areas, but maybe I missed them.

    No matter, this map loos very well done, and I think it's alright. Not amazing, but good nonetheless. Good job.
  16. i Eat Bullets 4 dinner

    Senior Member

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    Looks like a sexy beast...The side with the tube corners looks nice.The only flaws is that some parts look a little open, maybe a v2
  17. oh knarly

    oh knarly Ancient
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  18. Kalriq

    Kalriq Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Nice map, I love the CQB style of battle inside the building, taking cover behind the pillars and such like.
    Its a very nice map,
    I have downloaded.
    The weapons setup is very fair and balanced for this map and it looks nice aesically I find.
    Keep up the good forging.
  19. JMJ405

    JMJ405 Ancient
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    hey knarly, sorry i didnt get to this map earlier! playing on it was a blast! lol sweet, you put my noscope double-kill in the vid! lol but u also put me falling for the old shield door noob trap =/. 5/5, and a recomendation to everyone! (i have to clear some space b4 i dl)

    EDIT: Oh wait, lol, i feel like a moron it wasnt me with the noscope double. ha now it looks like i totally suck =p.
    #19 JMJ405, Jun 28, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2009
  20. PatchworkZombie

    PatchworkZombie Ancient

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    Gotta say this again and again but I love the design. I think you should have used maybe some lights to make things a little less aesthetically plain. Other than that well done.

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