Violet Union, Final Judgement, Silence, and more Here are my latest screenshots. Please rate, comment, etc. Thanks for viewing! =) Violet Union Final Judgement Untitled 1 *suggestions?* Silence "Shame and sorrow are the heaviest weights a soldier can bear and often bring upon silence."
i like the last one the best. the others are pretty good, but the angles and poses arent the best. and im terrible with naming stuff, so im no help there.
Pride has got to be my favorite. The lighting in the other ones seem to be a bit off. Oh, and i would name the last one " Inner Me "
I like the last one as well. But I also really like "Final Judgement". Though I think Judgement would look a little better if the gun were lowered. Good work overall though.
The last one is really good, but feels kinda cliche. Violet Union is your most original one IMO and I think you did a really good job with it.
I personally like Final Judgment the best. It's just so unique and the effect is quite rare. How did you do that effect? The lighting is great! Silence is the second best. The angle and positioning could be better, but the cool smokey clouds make up for it. Nice job.
Thanks for the comments guys! =) The Final Judgement one is done by blowing up a Ghost and waiting to see a streak of blue come out then look through it. I'm glad you guys liked 'em! =)