Anyone remember me? I remember the wordpress version of this site, way before there were forums or anything. To be honest, I remember the first Forge Tutorial thing, the frist TGIF, stuff like that. Any of the old people here remember me? The members I best remember are... Insane54 Nitrous uh lol EDIT: **** my sig and avatar are so gay... I've changed a ton since I was here last EDIT2: Does orangeremi still post? I used to be pretty close to him.
The guy who posted the "official riddles" thread? Yea. I have a pretty good memory. *Sticks nose in air* You also used to post in green.
Haha, I've been playing CoD4 competitively for around a year or two now, I have like 4k some posts over on the gamebattles forums. Lol, yeah that was me, earlier this year, I came back for like 2 weeks back then, then went back to CoD4 Really? Because last time I came back you said you didn't. We played CoD4 sometimes right before I left, and you were terrible at it. I was going to make a CoD4 failtage for you, but that never happened
I remember you. Im on a different account. Do you remember dckilla96? That account had the same avy as me.
I'm not sure, I've spoke to him in the Shoutbox a few times, I did a game with him the other day so he's still active on Live.
I'm 90% sure I'll stick around this time. I'm not sure if I'll get back in to forging, but I'll still post, because I wub this community.