LUMINARY CORE Luminaru power cores like this are used to power nealy all forerunner technology, this one was resently discoverd. *So the story of this map is theres a powers source underground that forerunners use and this map is like a forerunner powerstation* (My first sandbox map so i was getting used to sandbox while building this map, yay). I suggest the map should be used for team slayer ( as I have already tested) I also think it will be good for one sided games like assault and one sided flag but the map supports any game type I also think it could be good for infection . Bird eye view of the map. Blue base and the artifact in the centre. In the center of the artifact theres an overshield. ...but don't fall. Red base. Red base back. Inside the blue base... We are ninja... LOLS Stuck guineas ass.... Stuck guineas balls Weapon spawns: Download: : Halo 3 File Details Thanks to NC and zebra for helping me test (and also other peples in theh party this is the only map test where noone quit so i think the map is preaty good enjoy). Everyone that played the map said that they realy like it and i havent had any quiters duiring the test.
I really like the aesthetics in this map, but please change the title of the thread to the map name only. It is stated in the rules too if you don't believe me. The map seems to have a good layout, and the forging looks clean and the buildings are well constructed. I'll be sure to download this and check it out. Oh and also, you need a better description, which includes a weapons list, background info about the map, and any gametypes you wish to suggest.
wow this map looks great the astectics are realy beyond anything i would be botherd to make sadly i stoped downloading competitive maps but i have realised that you are on my freinds list so you can invite me to a game of this if you want by the way you know redfangknight, right?
* weapon placement now posted * I suggest the map should be used for team slayer ( as I have already tested) I also think it will be good for one sided games like assault and one sided flag but the map supports any game type I also think it could be good for infection . And ducky i will be happy to how u the map if u are still on my friends list if u are not send me a friend request and i will show u the map then. So far anyone who played the map loved it and asked to dwnlode it and I hope you like it too.
Im glad u guys seem to like the map trust me its alot of fun to play and ben wen are u going to review the map im waiting for your feedback keep the dls coming the map has two mongese in the attackers base
Looks absolutely great, some of your structures are very creative. This is the stuff that forge was created for, in my opinion. I'll give this a dl when I get the chance.
yea but i think it looks rather comical with the ligh on top of it i think it colada been better if u merged it in the tower so u would not see it, but what do I know ur the one with the feature but now lets keep this on topic
its not only preaty its fun too you can play it with a small party or a big one and still enjoy it. Id say one sided games is what its build for so assult would be pereaty good and slayer is very enjoyeble aswell
Pretty good, but in the middle it looks kinda sloppy. Besides that, it's a very good map for your first map! My first map was a Golf Course, my second one was a Slayer/Anything map, then i made several Infection maps. None very good. Keep it up!