Some hot elephant on elephant action. NOTE: This is not my screenshot. It was done by my friend Fo Shiz 64. He doesn't have, or desire a forge hub account, and I thought you guys would get a chuckle out of it.
mmm not that funny. Wouldve been better doggy style. Shouldve been titled Double Decker Elephant-O, idk random. Itd be sweet if you could use it in MM.
This actually happened to me in matchmaking. someone drove the elephant up the other one and the game got real glitchy. I ended up falling though the floor of the top elephant
How is that even possible? Also, the position of the elephant should have been changed so it looked like doggy style. Hot.
I did this once in match making,and then I Drove the bottem elephant around. As for the pic,not a good title,but ok pic.