Hey guys, I just got on here a few days ago and thought I'de start by posting a few screenshots. They are pretty standard, I mostly just want to make sure I can post pics the right way and make sure everything is working smoothly before I post any maps. "Final Moments" Johnson gets off one last shot. [/URL"][/URL] "Shortcut" Anyone who has played the last level on mythic difficulty should recognize this jump. [/URL] "Bubble of Peace" This is from a game of 2 flag shottys, the other team (red) only had 2 players, and instead of owning them, we made peace lol. [/URL] Ok, I don't want to give too much away here but I'll give you guys a very small hint of what I've been working on in forge. Let's just call this... "The Base" [/URL] Hope you guys liked them, I have more that I may post later. On a totally unrelated note: RIP Billy Mays, he was a good guy and his passing really caught me off guard. Rest In Peace.
They are good in the sence they didnt use any effects,just shots from campain. My favorite is The sargent johnson one.
I agree, they are fairly good and different from all the masses of effects you see nowadays (nothing bad with that). Your base looks fairly good and orginal but remmeber to interlock to diminsh all gaps!
Thanks guys, they are pretty plain shots so i understand what you mean. As for the base, that pic is a older version, almost like a rough draft, but forging is pretty tough for me, and interlocking can be especially difficult, but I'll do my best.