Debate Micheal Jackson

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Donii, Jun 28, 2009.

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  1. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    Oh god no! Looks like the **** hit the fan now. That baby was in peril for 0.2468 seconds! **** the Lion King and video games for brainwashing our society! Rafiki! RAFIKI! You son of a *****!
    #21 Nitrous, Jun 28, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2009
  2. Urban Myth

    Urban Myth Ancient
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    Im just tired of hearing about michael jackson. It's all over the news and media and now it's all over on a halo 3 website?? I wish death on no one but due to his actions in the past, his death doesn't affect me what so ever.
  3. Donii

    Donii Ancient
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    Three seconds.. and also, lion king is a cartoon, that was in real life, and yes,i think hanging a baby from a balcony for any time is a way to make him a bad person, and a bad parent.
  4. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    Donii, stop being a dumbass and posting the same video over and over again. I think you've posted that ****ing thing 5 times in the past two days. And that sure as hell isn't an argument. He dangled a child over the edge of a balcony for... I'm sorry I can't count seconds that fast. He even noticed that it was probably not a good idea, and retracted the child, a child that was fairly firm in his grasp. Honestly, if you consider that bad **** that will strip a famous man of all respect, you must behave like a ****ing saint.

    You're an idiot. Should I even justify your existance with an explanation? Because from my point of view, you're a moron that no one should listen too. A man who dangles a child outside of a window is now comparable to Hitler, a man who resulted in the deaths of millions. Further explanation isn't needed.
  5. Donii

    Donii Ancient
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    I was replying to what raynne said, about theres no evidence making him a bad person, and imo, That action, to me, made me think he wasnt that good of a person.
  6. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    Technically, nobody is a bad person. They are just lonely, depressed people who go about it in different ways. Morally, yes, he is a bad person.
  7. Donii

    Donii Ancient
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    I never said anything about him losing respect
  8. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    What if I held you to another standard? Let's say you lose one point of goodness for every time you masturbate and another two for each pornographic picture you look at. How evil would you be?

    Let's say you looked at a pornographic video for less than a second, realized your mistake and then backed out. Would you still be a bad person?
  9. Donii

    Donii Ancient
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    Thats different, searching pornography wouldnt be a thing that makes someone a bad person. its alot different than what i posted earlier.
  10. CaMOfo

    CaMOfo Ancient
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    Donii, get over it you're wrong. He put they baby over the railings to show the mass of reporters. I can see you calling him a bad person/parent if he dropped the baby or if somehow he hurt the baby, but no he showed a bunch of reporters so they can get their quick buck for flashing a photo. I'm judging on his actions that he didn't want to be bothered, so he gave them what they wanted so they would leave and he hardly gave them that. He covered the baby's face and Michael kept putting the curtain over his.

    From all the horrible things in the world to consider "bad" you pick a deceased guy that hasn't hurt anyone or thing. Donii, you are a horrible person for judging, easy as that.
  11. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    There's a difference between being a bad person and making a dumb mistake, and the sooner you learn that the sooner this so-called debate can end.

    You just said nobody is a bad person, and then said that his morals make him a bad person. Or, were you referring to how our morals make us view him as a bad person? I'm confused.

    Who cares if it's different. Searching porn is bad, hanging a baby over a balcony is bad as well. In fact, watching porn should be considered worse, because you are intentionally doing something you know is wrong for your own pleasure. MJ wasn't having fun when he did that, he wasn't thinking straight and was most likely high or had some mental problem.
  12. mavrick145

    mavrick145 Ancient
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    seriously,you seriously said that?!!!!
    how is a famos singer that was ACCUSED of being a child molestor and was found NOT GUILTY comparable to a genocidist??? i think jackson was just trying to give the kid a good kind (no not in the sexual way.) the kid was about to die in two weeks, yet lived for over a year????
  13. Donii

    Donii Ancient
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    Im a horrible person for accusing a dead person of being a bad person? People accuse Hitler of being a bad person, hes dead?
  14. CaMOfo

    CaMOfo Ancient
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    There's facts that he's a bad person, he did bad things, he killed people. What has Michael done? ...Don't post that video again, that is showing nothing.
  15. Donii

    Donii Ancient
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    I voiced my opinon on the baby thing, i wasjust saying, in MY Oppinion, i think that what he did was ****ed up, and for ME that makes ME think hes a bad person, im NOT trying to convince anyone into anything. i was just trying to back myself up after people kept saying other things.
  16. CaMOfo

    CaMOfo Ancient
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    If you haven't noticed debates are not based on opinions, they are based on facts. Debates would never be resolved if it was only opinions. Get better.
  17. used man

    used man Ancient
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    great article

    "June 26, 2009 | CNN's coverage of Michael Jackson's sudden illness in the minutes before his death was reported captured nicely the way the media has treated him. Nutty people were allowed to talk at length, including a guy who kept saying his concerts in London were in 2010. (They were scheduled for next month.)
    Wolf Blitzer looked into the camera to tell us earnestly that the head of the concert promotion company had told them that Jackson was in "tip-top shape," and that he'd passed a health exam "with flying colors."
    Funny how an impossibly pampered 50-year-old guy in top-top shape could just keel over dead.

    We're supposed to live in an Age of Paparazzi. Isn't it curious how stars nonetheless manage to die right before our eyes?
    They do it with our complicity.
    Born not just to celebrity but to stardom, Michael Jackson never knew what it was like to live normally, or even behave normally. He was drafted into the family's musical act, the Jackson 5, while in elementary school, and taken to Motown records. He was taught how to live a manufactured image at the feet of Berry Gordy, who was quite good at such legerdemain.
    If you're 9 years old and born to be a star, such training will definitely turbocharge the marketing of your record sales; as for the fact that almost all the money from those sales went to your teacher and not you ... well, that was his second lesson.

    Trust, truth ... these were concepts Michael Jackson learned early on didn't have much worth. But of course he had his family, right?
    His angry father beat him and his eight siblings with some determination, reputable biographers have told us. (Untrustworthy La Toya said that she and Michael were sexually molested, too.) On tour at age 10, Michael tried to sleep as his older brothers banged groupies in the motel rooms they shared. Then all the kids watched in wonder as their father took up with another woman and had a child with her.
    Love, marriage, sex ... Michael Jackson learned early that those didn't mean much either. The Jackson 5 had a three-year run, not bad for a kid act. When the family, which realized it hadn't made any money, left the label, a vengeful Gordy exacted as a price not just a brother -- Jermaine, who, married to Gordy's daughter, stayed at Motown -- but even their name. When they moved to Columbia, they couldn't use the name the Jackson 5.
    Michael was all of 14.
    In five years he collected himself, extracted himself from his father's control and recorded two albums that would change the music industry. The best was the first: 1979's "Off the Wall," a groovy, irresistible stunner. Blithe and implacable, sparkling and protean, it displayed a lean talent, feline in his sexuality and relaxed in his blackness. The round-faced, broad-nosed charmer looking out from the album's cover reeked not just of charm but confidence and, for the last time, normality.
    Three years later, "Thriller" would take what became an epochal step forward in terms of commerciality. Viewed now, with the benefit of hindsight, we can see Jackson's evolving physiognomy is symptomatic of an insecurity we didn't think to question at the time.
    His celebrity's toll on his own and his family's life became considerable. For some unaccountable reason, after "Thriller" he still lived at home, as his family busied itself with intrigues and cockamamie plans. One imagines him sitting in his room ignoring the knocks at his door as offers of millions came in to the family from across the country and around the world to do just about anything -- anything, that is, that Michael would do too.
    With the exception of Janet, his youngest sister, who somehow managed to extract herself and create her own extraordinary career, virtually every member of his family managed to blemish their reputations; among other things, more than one of the boys, their father's sons, were charged with beating up their girlfriends or wives.
    The story from that point is a bleak and unrelieved one. Superficial things: Michael's ludicrous trappings and entourages; the fetishization of the armed militias marching around in his videos; tales of his supposed bizarre doings leaked to tabloids; the grasping grandiosity of his public appearances. Jackson had a flair for exploiting the tabloid celebrity he had, but that was a skill he shared with Anna Nicole Smith and Paris Hilton, and it probably shouldn't be listed among his unique abilities.

    More serious things: mismanaged tours; declining songwriting skills; ever-more erratic album releases.
    Even more serious things: an entirely transfigured physical appearance, morphing from an engaging and handsome African-American man into a misshapen Eurasian woman; his skin bleached, his face resculpted; his nose, finally, needing to be practically taped onto his face. He left his race behind and, in a sense, his family too. (The nose, which seemed to have borne the brunt of his obsession with plastic surgery, was his father's.)
    The master of crossover had seemingly crossed over for good.
    And finally, a black moral hole, and a descent into a double life as a sexual predator. You've heard about not taking candy from a stranger; Jackson's candy took the form of literal amusement parks. There were nights of fun and sleepovers and inappropriate touching and ...
    Accusations were leveled many times; most cases were settled; one case, gone to trial, ended in an acquittal in Santa Maria in 2005.
    In the obituaries, writers will savor Jackson's talents, which were unquestioned; his ambition, which was otherworldly and a thing of awe; and his heyday, which lasted really just a few years, and encompassed perhaps two and a half albums. Others will reflect on the tragedies visited upon him and those he visited on others.
    I think it's fair to classify Kurt Cobain's death as one brought on by medical problems, specifically the roiling interaction of depression and addiction. Jackson's death is in this sense more purely a suicide, just as Elvis Presley's was some three decades ago. Like Presley, Jackson at some point stepped through a door, closed it, and turned the key. What went on behind the door we'll never know."
    #37 used man, Jun 28, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2009
  18. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
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    I want you guys to name all the "bad" things Michael has done! And compare that to the number of things he has done positively.

    Just because he "dangled" a baby for like .00001% of a second and was falsely accused of molesting a boy isn't enough to back up your statements.

    You and I don't really know the real Michael Jackson, but just what we seen in the media. He was no Hitler, that I know, I believe he was a good man who had a lot of stress put onto him by the media and tabloids.

    You guys should give him the benefit of the doubt and the respect, like I said, its not like he was a Hitler or Stalin...
  19. Shad0w Viper

    Shad0w Viper YOU'RE GOING TO LOVE ME!!!
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