BR MATCH This is simply a 1v1 br arena. There are boxes where the people that are not playing can watch the game. Playing Field [/URL] Playing Field 2 [/URL] Witness Booth [/URL] Map ] : Halo 3 File Details[/URL[/U]] Gametype : Halo 3 File Details[/URL]
the walls are extremely messy, but the floor looks pretty good.. This has been done many times, and many times better. try a different type of map. sorry, 2/5
The flooring looks really well done but as shanky stated before, the walls are very messy. also, from what i've seen from the pictures it looks like there is only 1 booth for other people. that could be a problem because what if ur playing with more than 3 people? overall it looks like a cool map that has room for improvment 3/5
Sadley, I would have to agree. Its a great start at the least, I would highly suggest interlocking some cover into the flooring, so its not so open and not so easy. BR fights you want it to be a challenge for both opponents.
What's the point of making your own floor, when you could simply use a Grifball court and add in some spectator boxes? I'll give it a 6/10, because I can see the effort you put in it, but I don't really see the point of the map.