Im Revenant, or Zach whichever you wish to call me. I'm fluent with forge and learn something new about it everday. I hope to submit some maps in the near future, and I have a dream to become a guilder. Hope to get to know you all.
Well, welcome to the site, I'm glad you found your way here. There's plenty of resouces here for everything about Forge, Halo, and life. The Forging 101 section has some good general tips, and if you want more detailed forging advice, check here. Again, welcome.
Thanks for the directions around the site guys. Forging 101 is kinda old to me because I've kind of been following the site for some time now. Thanks for the warm welcome though. It's great to know this site has a friendly community.
Hey Revenant. I'm pretty sure you're xV Revenant, right? Well, it's x Da FUNK x, and I love to forge to! Maybe we can collaborate some time. Anyways, welcome to forgehub.
I am xV Revenant. And YOU'RE already an acquaintance, and yeah some minor-major collab every once in a while is a good thing.