So if the Big 3 (M, S and N) are all trying to get their peice of the pie in motion control, do you think all next-gen consoles will be bassed on this tech? See, I'm lazy, i want to sit down to play games, to get involved in another world and have fun not wave my arms around like a loony in some mini-games. Will there be no choice for a controler based game in the future? It all sounds good, but the gimic wears off after a while and at the end of the day, you cant get any more percise control than with a pad. I really hope we don't lose all our great deep and complex games to the casual market and PC is the only place the hard care can go for games if motion control takes over. What do you think about this guys?
Your gay. JK You see the Nintendo Wii uses that ****, but you can also use a controller for some games. But back to the point, I really don't want to always use motion technology, so I say for Xbox keep the controller thing going, and there making that one thing I don't know what it's called but yea, it looks tight.
The PS3 uses the Sixaxis very well, to the point where you're not swinging your arms out. There are some neat features with it. For example, in Killzone 2, I got to turn a wheel using the sixaxis. Epic win amirite? Though it quickly looks like the 360 is becoming the new nintendo and the PS3 is becoming the new "hardcore" system as it always should have been.
We always has P.C., and they can't ever take dat form us. It are makes us smert smert. No lol, I'm pretty sure gadget controllers will last as long as we don't just use our minds for controllers.
I am worried that one day Casual Gamers will completely take over gaming. Somewhere, in some remote suburban town, some PTA moms are laughing. :frustrated:
Wow I completely disagree. If your referring to MS and Project NATAL then you are looking at it way wrong. MS has established themselves as a system that has all the good exclusives and hardcore games everyone wants. Now that they have dominated in the "hardcore" demographic they need to expand into other areas such as the "casual" audience hence NATAL and its Motion Controlling functions. With everyone already warmed up to motion control with the Wii all MS has to do is market NATAL well enough and people will go "hey look at this, its like the Wii but on the Xbox" and people will buy it. The PS3 has always been hardcore, I dont see where the "as it always should have been" you were trying to reference. But no I think videogames in one way or another will always have some kind of control in the players hands.
Nintendo will eventually come out with a console that hooks to your head via wireless port that is installed in the back of your neck. Then Nintendo will take over because every person will be trapped in the game world and will not know reality. <This is the thing The Matrix left out ^_^
i hope that there will be a system that hooks you up to tyhe game via head pads, and alls that you have to do is think and you'll do it. they will some day and it will be epic! as for the no controller issue, i think that there will always be games that use controllers, and if not then keep your consoles and play them when you get bored of the vr stuff. (i play the orriginal NES when i get bored of Xbox.) you could also probably sell your xbox to the Videogame Hall of Fame in the future, lol!
The future is clearly not motion control but neurological control. It's possible too sense the electrical impulses released when thinking, and thus too be able too determine what one thought is as a wave on a graph, so as too be able to know what people are thinking when they release impulses.
"I highly doubt the future of gameing is going to be with motion controlers. Im only 14, but i hate the Wii because its so active, and im a fit kid. The PS3's motion sensing controler [Sixaxis] is enough for me, thank you very much. If anyone really wants to hold a gun and play an army game, enlist in he army, and how would a motion sensing conroler work on a super hero game? Everybody I know over the age of 12 hates the Wii, and they believe it is only fun at a party.PS3 and XBox wont have to worry at all about the Wii. The Wii is a smart invention, but not practical. Use it in retirment homes and in physical therepy, but not in my living room. If i want to play tennis or go bowling, ill do it in real life." A 14-Year-Old's Argument Against A Motion Control-Dominated Future -
I hate the wii aswell but still have one for a small group of games that i rarely play because my wii has an overheating problem. Back to the point, I don't think normal controllers will ever completely go away for the simple fact that it is traditional, it's the way all the hardcoe and even some casual gamers played a game when they first invented a video game. The controller is a comfort zone, alot of people don't want a major change they want to stick with what they know.
Natal is going to cost an arm and a leg, and since its directly on the 360, you might as well see your little investment becoming useless. If the 360 has a 1 in 3 chance of breaking, watch that Natal catch dust for the next month, you're not going to play it. Consoles that defect easily don't appeal to casual or family audiences, and I don't think a casual audience would buy another console. Barely enough people have more than one console as it is, there's no reason for someone to get a 360 AND Natal just so you can swing your arms around for a few minutes before you get tired as hell and want to pick up a controller. The PS3 was not always as hardcore as it is becoming... its getting a lot more hardcore games, hence the reason I said that.