This was a slightly more ambitious background. Everything (brushes, grunge filters, lettering, flourishes) was self-made. Anyone see anything that'd make it better? Oh, and around 70 layers total for the number crunchers out there. The 'e' was the hardest, since I had to drop-shadow on itself... tricky stuff.
You really impress me. That is amazing. I hope you are using this as your background, if I ever made something like that, I would definitely use it as my background.
This is really really nice. The little emblem thing on the band on the bottom left is a little strange IMO but great job. 'Tis teh epic!
Agreed. I'm still not quite sure why I put that there, but it's grown on me. Of course. Anybody can use any of my stuff. It's widescreen format, though, obviously. Glad you guys like it.
wow very good.. it kinda looks a little weird cause the grunge smooths out but it still works amazingly!
Looks good... But.. /dramatic pause. Try putting the textures that you used on your background onto the lettering, so that it blends better. It'll look like it's part of the piece more. And for the lowercase 'e's (This is just an idea), try making it a gradient from the yellow, where the bottom of the 'e' starts and it transitions to the brown at the end of the loop of the 'e'. Only two more things, one is to have the uppercase 'E' blend more. As in the middle line of the 'E' (The - of the 'E').. Have it blend into the BG like the 'S' does. And the other thing is to have left side of the 'n' (in Energy) blend more, but that might make it too hard to read so idk. Sorry if I sound like a docuhe, but I'm just trying to help it look better. With that said, it does look great. GJ.
Yeah, I can see that as a valid option, too. Actually, if I were really working on the piece, I'd add some inner lines that follow the shapes of the letters (probably a set of 3 parallel lines) and have them use a similar grung-ey effect. (but I'm not willing to put the time in) Isn't that what I did? No. it's my font, lol. Yeah, I originally had it with both edges blending into the bkg, but nothing looked right except the way it is now. Thanks. And thanks for the suggestions.