Ever think it would be cool if we could d a little video editing on halo, like, we could edit our clips? nothing huge, maybe just like, fading and stuff? It cant happen but I just thought it would be a cool disscusion.... kgo
that would be cool, but bungie isnt going to make that unless you pay for it, and even then, its a better choice to make new games rather than to update the older ones.
But halo 3 is were there money comes from. Know what i mean? Millions of people play this game, even after 2-3 years since its been out. Halo 3 is were bungie struck it rich.
Meh, it really doesn't matter to me... If I wanted to do that, I'd buy myself a capture card and do it better on sony vegas or whatever. I just hope that we can rewind and take clips of our campaign clips in ODST and Reach
i dont think they would do that.. they would have to implement video editing software into the theater, which would take time and money, so you would have to pay for it
its completely possible to do with a cap card and a computer. On a more serios note,it would be cool for the people with out capture cards.