Do you mean "you're"? Also, why is "horrid" capitalized? The spelling error actually makes me dislike this sig.
Let me be the first to actually give some feedback for this sig. Lmao. Coloring a real life person especially in sigs for me doesn't look good at all. Plus, the colors in your last version (light blue, I think) looked way better. Font could be changed and text needs more blending. Nice bg, but the colors are what "turns this sig off" here.
thanks guys... great cnc. its just the way i type? i do capitalize random things some times... i dont see why what i type in a thread has something to do with the sig.. now.. your not going to give me a proper cnc so gtfo and let it die.
god you guys are assholes. not gonna lie, i lul'd but you cant do this ****, its like the "needs pics" spam in the map forums. stop it or get infracted next time.