Heres a pic of the actual layout of the real map. and what i am going to base my map off of yah you heard me right. im gona re make this. i have a new "point" system i am going to work into romoving the blockaids and getting random box. i am going to start this within a week. i have to do some more planning but look forward to it. if you have any suggestions please feel free to leave them. i will take them and put them in my map and will be sure to give you credit currently i am planning on making it in the crypt. good or bad? this is where feedback would be helpful. also this map will NOT be to exact scale of the CoD map unfourtunatly due to the semi lackness of space in sandbox and the budget -.- for sure though i will stick to the same layout as the original. please leave your feed back thanks a bunch!
wow, thats all i have to say to you if you can pull this off, and good. it'll be realy hard to get the zip-line to work and it'll be wierd if you can't get the box to go away, but you could work that out even the swamp pulling you down would be hard.
Best of luck to you then. I will say that you may want to do this on the main level of Sandbox, and use a canvas with the blocked lasers. The crypt will not be big enough to make all of this. And you can't use the skybubble because you can't afford to waste objects by making a floor. As for the windows... try to make sure humans can't get out of them but zombies come into them. The best thing is to use a braced mongoose or ghost to allow the zombies to "climb in" through the windows. Try to make the windows so that humans can shoot out of them as well.
okay for the zip line i was thinking just a 2 way teleporter. since it would be nearly impossible to make an actual zipline yah i was planning on using your braced mongoose idea if that was alright. the main level would be almost too big. and it is not all even (the outside desert is a lot higher then the actual area and in CoD it is all on the same level). except it is pretty dark like the actual game i am just gona stay with the crypt... i will just have to make things a lot smaller but i will add as much detail as i can to make for the best experience thank you both for your feedback.
This would be really cool if it could be made and be accurate. Instead of having the teleporters for the zip line though, how about using a man cannon? That way you can get at least some feel of moving on a zip line. Also, as an idea for the swamp. Force people to walk into and pick up a custom power up that increases a players gravity and lowers their speed. Good luck!
Good luck on making the flogger trap, the electro-shock trap. Some things I should point out though - The swamp doesn't affect zombies as much as it does humans. The wonderwaffe DG-2 can be the spartan laser, because of similarities. Perk-a-cola machines can be custom powerups, but good luck on making them different from each other. Random weapon box movement - don't know how the hell you plan on doing that, let alone the teddy bear. Regardless, good luck.
i agree with you ASC671, he's got no chance sorry for putting you down, but you realy don't have much of a chance.
thanks guys i appreatate it. ill us the mancannon idea. i was thinking for the swamp that i could have grav lifts interlocked into the swamp flooring going downwards so that you couldnt jump... but yah i got it all planned for the random box movement it will be time based ill tell you that. and i have the perfect "point" system. so have fun giving me more problems to face
I thought of a remake of shi no numa and talked to my brother and laughed thinking it was impossible. Im sorry but it is aesthetics is one thing then the traps and random box! And the days pass and the new **** zombies map comes out lol! What about zombie vertuct no one remade that! The best nacht un toten map is last day but it could be much better! plz make one on sand box
there was a map called zipline entered in the lazy map makers contest and worked surprisingly well, you should check it out
For the zipline you could put a bunch of gravlifts next to each other on top of a wall, then when you touch the top of the wall on the bottom side, you are pulled in by the lifts..
dude i would love to help you with this map or we could both make one and help each other because im going to make one to. i remade the first **** zombie map, you can check it out to see if im up to standards but its pretty good so i think it will be up to standards. anyway my gamertag is cowboypickle23. plz message me i really want to help with this one.
you can't make the dogs either. or the bouncing betty (acctualy you could use a trip mine for that.) also you might want to make the electro traps grav lifts that appeare when they destroy another gravlift. best of luck
This will be a hard map to do, since Shi No Numa is the largest map yet, and also the most unique **** zombie map. I wonder how you'll make a random weapon box on Sandbox, and how the zombie spawns will work for the swamp. And like the post above, dogs will be nearly impossible to recreate. I wish you the best of luck, but even if the map turns out great, it seems a little ambitious to recreate the Shi No Numa feel.
huh...... I made shi no numa in the crypt and it failed. space........ I have some tips. build on sandbox main level, make use of equipment and properties for perk machines. Make custom powerup spawn at zombie spawn after a little while for hell hounds. make them faster and stronger. Same weapons..... be careful for the Object Limit because if you hit that your screwed... also use wedge long for the fences outside the main room.. swamp area.
mystery box for **** zombies ive been trying many concepts to a mystery box for a **** zombies map, but they all have one of several diverse problems.... 1: they dont work 2: theyre too big small dont fit in required space etc 3: they have a max capacity of a few guns 4: you can "break" or break them 5: you can get more than one gun at a time and so on... if u have a good fullproof mystery box add me as a friend on xbl and ill try it out thx (and remind me why im adding u dont just send friend request)
This is just a feeling, but every time a new **** Zombie map comes out people are going to try and re-make them...
How about for a trap, you just have a switch that releases a fusion coil for you to shoot, or blows up on contact or something? Or a switch that releases something propelled by a grav lift/man cannon, so it splatters? That might work as the big spinning trap.. There was another map I believe that had an actual working mystery box on foundry although I can't remember it's name, although the concept could be applied onto sandbox I believe. Best of luck to both you and zander