Sandbox Sky Track

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Race Maps' started by abixenator, Jun 27, 2009.

  1. abixenator

    abixenator Ancient
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    Though I have been a member of Forge Hub for a while, I haven't been forging much at all. Therefore, this is my first posted map on ForgeHub (besides one or two that I made that weren't very good at all).

    On to the map -

    Sky Track by Abixenator

    Sky Track is a race course that is located on the death-barrier above Sandbox. It was made this way so that any slips off of the course would result in immediate death. Sky Track is a one-lap course - it does not loop around, and the first person to make it to the end will win.

    It is designed for 2-4 players, but the paths and tunnels are tight in some areas. There are not really any honor rules to follow - using your goose to knock another player off the track is perfectly fine - with the limited movement space in some areas, this may be necessary. However, you may want to ask your party to refrain from bumper car action until the race starts (10 seconds after the game starts).

    Sky Track is not very forgiving to people who slip up when driving - though I have put a few safety nets in, most places require accurate and skillful driving with the risk of death if you fail. Should you die, you will respawn at the start. I have set the respawn rates on the vehicles to the lowest they can go, so you will hopefully not need to wait long for a vehicle in a full 4-man game.

    Should you, for any reason, lose your vehicle but don't die, there may be a preplaced vehicle on the same platform as you that you can hop into.

    Download Map
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    The spawn point of the players and vehicles. Ten seconds after the game starts, the gap will be filled and the race begins. Choose either pipe, go through them and up the ramp, then accelerate over the ramp to make the leap.

    [​IMG]Ride along the slanted wall, turn around at the end, and jump the ramp to the next area.

    A shield door jump, then a pipe jump.

    Wind through this section, then accelerate into the man cannons to take off.

    Speed and control are vital here. You must keep your mongoose on a perfectly straight path during the jumps, yet have enough speed to make it.

    Head straight into the man cannon and this shouldn't be a hard jump. Then, head into the pipes towards the last ramp.

    The last stretch - go straight and as fast as possible up the ramp into the cannon, leave the vehicle before it hits the shield door, and leap down to the teleporter.

    Position the tank so that the gun is completely blocking the teleporter you came out of, to block off the teleporter you just came through to the others. Then head through the sending node...

    ...pick up a custom powerup to enable damage dealing, then hop into the hornet. The objective is directly across the track from the hornet, but feel free to give your (now trapped) competitors a blast or two from the missiles before claiming the hill and the game.

    An overview of Sky Track.

    So have fun. Give me a couple pointers since I'm not very experienced in Forging. If this gets more then a few downloads, I will probably forge out any issues or problems, make it more (or less) challenging, then release 2.0.
  2. Huntar

    Huntar Ancient
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    its not as good as other race maps, but looks decently fun.
    I suggest making it not so... rigidy? It looks unsmooth and looks like the transitions arent to great. But like you said, you havent been forging for a while.
    Well, i might DL and see how the gameplay works.
    If the gameplay is good, the maps good.

    so far 3/5
  3. abixenator

    abixenator Ancient
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    True, it is a little rigid. I ran into a few problems that would result in me having to reforge half a map to fix, but I understand.

    I'm planning on making my next map plenty more aesthetic.
  4. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    I wouldnt call this a "race map." I would call it an obstacle course. Also, the name is a little bland and has probably been used hundreds of times. Try something original and exotic that relates to your map.

    Other than that, the map is pretty good, fun and exiting.
  5. xPsychZerox

    xPsychZerox Ancient
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    So far I am going to have to agree with both of them, such as the cleanliness of the track itself, but I do think it looks like a ton of fun. Also mikelp, this is a racetrack seeing as your racing to see who can get to the teleporter first and get to the hornet and therefore win the whole race. I think this was a very original and fun idea, especially those pipe jumps. I just think the transitions and overall cleanliness of the map could've been improved upon. Love the idea. 3.5/5 keep forging
  6. CONER117

    CONER117 Ancient
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    looks like a lot of falling to your death, maybe you should put some rails or something
  7. abixenator

    abixenator Ancient
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    Thanks for the replies, I'll work on making future maps (maybe this one too) run smoother.

    And Coner, there's only one lap and it doesn't take very long. I designed it so you would have to watch your jumps, not just go crazy wild over every one of the jumps. However, in test runs I found a few risky places (such as the land after the first man cannon) that I patched up.

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