COMPOUND 14A The fight to control the base Download Compound 14A Download supply dump gametype Description: The convoy had finally arrived at the enemy base. This place was well fortified, and there were 3 main areas they needed to capture... Firstly, they have to go through the beacon to land outside the base. Once inside there are 3 paths. the one to the right led to the artillery gun. The path to the middle leads to the control room. and finally the way up the middle leads to the main control room, defended by 2 turrets. ^Beacon to get inside^ ^Artillery Wraith^ ^Garage^ ^Central command^ ^Attacker Start^ ^3-way split^ This is the first map ive posted so pls any feedback would be appreciated. i wont post any of my foundry ones cos ill get slated for my complete lack of interlocking. I also seem to notice that this is the first Pre-DLC map for quite a few pages.