Sandbox Bul fite

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by MUSICPIMPJR, Jun 27, 2009.


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    Okay to start off i made this map with two friends on Xbox live 2 days ago. Chase 209 and millionair. I really wouldnt give them credit cuz all they did is f up my map. They had banshee fights downstairs. They did nothing to the bull arena or gametype. Id like to thank my testers. jjwscarface and friends.

    BACKGROUND: BUL FITE is a sandbox map with 2-4 players. Everyone spawns in one side and the middle has only a merged platform. Eache side has one ghost and each person is equipped with a taser for the bull (plasma pistol to disable ghost/bull). Ghost can make it across the merged platform and to the other side but it is a risk. You could be tased. Well the vehicles dont blow up and anything goes assassination, tasers and even hijacking of bulls. The only thing thta matters is knocking the other bulls off the side. Also the scoring system is quite confuzing. -1 point for death and plus 3 or 4 points for kill. I dont entirely remember but youll figure it out. Its just for fun.NOW THE MAP!

    Alright here are several map overviews-
    The three pics are taken in the first 10 seconds of the round before the bridge is spawned or the moat is filled.


    The following are pictures of after ten second when the middle is full.



    The Spawn (all the same)


    If you jump to the other side in the first ten second i cant promise you it will work-


    But sometimes it pays off, so its your choice-


    Dont follow your kill strait to hell. But I guess it happens-


    The beggining of a match will often look like this-


    ACTION!!!!!!!!! (action shots)


    Map- : Halo 3 File Details

    Gametype- : Halo 3 File Details
    #1 MUSICPIMPJR, Jun 27, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2009
  2. deadlyshotz247

    deadlyshotz247 Ancient
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    looks alright -but why not make it bigger?
  3. AssassinChao

    AssassinChao Ancient
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    This looks like a really decent and fun map/gametype. I may download later to try this out, but since you didn't end up using too much stuff I would suggest maybe putting some more aesthetics into it? It would be nice but it's not entirely necessary.

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    you know what i think i might add some aesthetics to make it look nicer. You know like some towers or something fancy like a floating kill ball above the arena. Thanks for the idea. :)
  5. AgileDan92

    AgileDan92 Ancient
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    It doesn't seem like a lot of thought of effort went into this. Not counting the spawns (which I can't see), there are only 28 objects placed in this map. (24 without the ghosts themselves). Nothing is merged at all, and the entire arena is so small that it probably wouldn't be fun. Also, this idea has has been done over and over (very successfully by some maps) and has to really be set apart from the others to be original in any way. Lava Pit for example (which was on Bungie favorites) takes the concept of this map, and makes it a lot of fun.

    Anyways, there's really nothing special about this map. Most of us could probably put this together in about five or ten minutes.

    If you want to make it better, make the play area bigger, interlock to make smoother driving surfaces, and add some sort of twist that makes it stand out.
  6. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    I don't believe this map needs any merging. It has some which is nice, but I don't think it actually neeed it. I personally like the simplicity of the map, and how small it is. Other monster jam maps are always big squares floating in the skybubble, this is different. I suggest that you get rid of the ramps, because they will get in the way of gameplay, especially when you're trying to knock someone over the edge. I also suggest editing the gametype to changing it so players are invulnerable instead of giving them overeshields. When you're invulnerable on this map, you can't take damage, and the only way to die is by getting pushed off the edge. Also, how useful is the plasma pistol in this? It seems like it would get overpowering on this map.
  7. Huntar

    Huntar Ancient
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    looks like a classic monster trucks map, but with a spin off.
    I personally like it. Its a good idea, and i like how the rest of the platform spawns later.
    Looks fun and clean, no need to merge.


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    a few things. The plasma pistol hasnt proved to be a problem and in slayer you for some reason cant be invulnerable. Also i merged that one part because of ppl like agiledan. Thank you everyone and look out for V2 which will be much better.
  9. AgileDan92

    AgileDan92 Ancient
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    I'm sorry, but I don't see any merging whatsoever. Anyways, I am a firm believer that maps don't need it, but we all have to agree that it makes a map look nicer, and the majority of the forge hub population will eat you alive if you don't use it.

    And yes, a small map is a bit different, but there is such a thing as too small, and this map, my friend, is too small. It's so small that it takes away almost all maneuverability.

    This map can have a lot done to it to make it better. If you have any doubt of that, look at maps like Lava Pit or Hog the Hill on Skyline. NEITHER of those maps are a giant square like you say, and they are both extremely well done. The forger of this map could take some notes from maps like these, to better how he does on any future maps.

    EDIT: (I apologise, I meant to quote Rifte Gifle) Thanks for taking my advice into consideration Musicpimpjr. What was the part that you merged out of curiosity?
    Also, I hope you don't take my criticism personally. I'm just trying to give you constructive criticism to help you with your forging.
    #9 AgileDan92, Jun 27, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2009

    Senior Member

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    I merged the boxes in the center that spawn immedietly but it just looks like, well not merged. I am posting V2 right now so check it out in about well whenever your online.
  11. Flowbotz

    Flowbotz Ancient
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    Good job with the map.I think this map has already been done with ghosts so its not really different.But you need to make the map a lot bigger.I just think that because I always fall of at the starting point.I like it.☻

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