Sand Serpent Creator: laxman91 Difficulty: Medium Description: My second map on Sandbox. Sand Serpent has a steep hill with a built in starting point inspired by Niagra Falls. There are a few tight turns for skilled and competitive racers. The track is completely bordered for tournaments and does not contain a single assist such as shield doors and grav lifts. There is many turns and a couple hills for lots of variety and furthermore allowing the racer to have a better and more fun racing experience. Special Thanks To: Spectacular Ra for performing the infinite money glitch and geomerging one of the walls.
Look at that sexy brown elite.(That's me lol.) Anyways, the map is great laxman. I think it would be good for tournaments but that's me. The map is smooth, and includes a nice start that I love. Overall, good map. 4.5/5
Yea-this track was a lot of fun to race on and i think it would work well in tourneys. I'll bring it up if I host.
I DLed it and tested it with my friends and I must say I liked it. Tho in the 4th picture turn I seemed to always bang into the wall and make a 180, but that might be my lacking driving skills Overall fun map to play on. Liked the start but it was a little hard to get out if you played,like us, 3 ppl and no one got the front spawn. And there if I where you I'd try doing something about the hole in the sides on the 5th picture unless it's there for a reason. I'll give it a 4/5 Keep forgin' =D
Thanks all, glad you like it. Anyways the hole in picture five was unnecessary bordering, and was the best spot not border it, since the object limit was reached. I not a big fan of the turn on picture four myself, but the track is supposed to take a little skill and the fact that the object limit was reached forced me to make it a little "un-fancy."
the only thing i dont like about this map is that its possible to cheat on it. if you stop at the open area show about center in the 5th picture, all you need to do is drop down onto the lower track and you cut more than half the course off. i'd add walls there to prevent that.
lol, I guess you haven't tried the track yet, if you were to "try" and cheat there, you would practically be going backwards. You just fall on a part of the track that you already have gone through.
This is mybe the best tornament map, i just did a few laps and is is very good. The only thing that i really didnt like as much was that it somewhat slammed you on the ground getting on back to the floor. This i thought is very cool and neat. Speaking about neatness, 4.7/5 on the neatness of the track. Everything is very neatly interlocked. The second bank turn/drop is my favorite because it gives you the drop feeling plus the hill gave you somewhat air which i loved. Perfect tourny map, 4.5/5. Keep it up Lax! SLiK