--Story-- You and your marines are pushing deeper into the facility to find the origion of the aliens, and where they took all the civilians. based off the second movie featuring: "Michael Biehn", and "Sigorny Weaver". thanks to all of those who enjoyed the first map that i made i decided to make another one. this installment is alot bigger than the first featureing two more hallsa nad 3 more rooms. --Description-- This map is a U-shaped symetricl map, all enclosed lot of merging. works well with ctf and aliens and has a lot of timming effects and symmatry effects. the map has a variety of wepons and equipment. the spawns are sperated from eachother by the two halls that form a U works well with ctf and infection Wepons: BR's 4x Assult Rifle 2x Regen 2x Bubble shield 2x Degenerator 1x Rocket 1x Plasma Grenade 4x Sword 1x --works with-- [slayer] [capture the flag] [infection] "Aliens gametype" --Pics-- Blue side: Blue hall: Blue vent room: Main hall: Red side: Red hall: Red vent room: Action shot 1: Action shot 2: Action shot 3: Action shot 4: Map: Halo 3 File Details Gametype: Halo 3 File Details Final thoughts: This map took about a week to build because i had to get everything to be well merged and there is a lot of it the map is 2 in a line of 3 maps that i will build. keep in touch for future ones.
this map could definetly host some fun ctf. mind going a bit more in depth as far as spawning and weapon placement goes? also its "a lot" not alot.... that bugs me
posted more detail and when you comment play the map first then talk about something about the map that i can reflect on please.
hay thanks for the post but dont double post moderator will rape you. little advice for the future good luck.
Sweet map dude, very well put together. perfect merging and all. created an aliens gametype, and it was wasome! 5/5
I loved the movie and this is an incredible remake. Even without the title I would've recognized this remake. I also think I remember seeing a preview of this. Good job anyways, I can't wait to play it!
thanks yeah this map was a remake of my first one on foundry the one on foundry was smaller but a lot of fun. going to make anotherone around the same size as first one but larger hallway for infection.