Long distance relationships usually start out as close distance relationships. Yes, there's something wrong if you don't have any friends outside the gaming world. There's a big problem. Sure, you learn more about friends through gaming than letters because it's direct chatting. Each person can say what they want at that exact moment. With letters you can revise and "hide" your personality better, but close friend relationships are when you go through rough times together and you do **** together outside just one topic or category. Gaming is just one category. You sit on the couch and talk about a game or general things that happened. You don't talk about what what's happening other than gaming related stuff.. I'm completely serious. You cannot take gaming as your only way of life because you then become a machine. You don't do **** outside of playing the game because you think you don't need anything else. Sorry if I may seem harsh, but I have close to no respect for those people.
That second video, been shown it before, reminds me so much of one of my friends. It makes me chuckle. The first video... ****. That's Australian: Channel Nine, A Current Affair. God I hate our news, so bloody stupid and dreadfully close-minded sometimes. Yeah, Channel Nine News and A Current Affair is idiotic. 'Tis pretty much all I have to say about that. Heard of The Chaser's War on Everything, Sweeny? You'd love it.
I hate the media. They always show one side to a story, never both. To an intelligent person, a videogame can be an area of learning. It can be prosperous. It can also be fun. I learn more in games than in school I'm said to say. And I ask for the extra assignment. These people, like my friends mom, claim we are addicted. We play videogames and surf the web more than 25 hours a week. So we're addicted. But if we read books for more than 25 hours a week would we be addicted to reading? No. Why? Because that's good for you. Makes you smart smart. For Christ's sake, it's no different! A book is a story with no imagery, that forces you in one direction. A videogame is imagery with a small story, that you can take anyway you please in most games at this point. And to everyone that says, well if you're not addicted then try not playing for a week, no. Why would we? Stop doing something enjoyable? That's like saying, if you need to put on weight, if you're fat then this isn't a good example, stop eating the icecream cone because you're addicted to it. You probably couldn't not finish it. Even though you're hungry and it tastes good, you continuing to eat it proves you're addicted. Why would we stop doing something we enjoy? We can stop if we want to, it's just why would we want to? I did some reading, and apparently people treated novels the same way 200 years ago. Hopefully this will all passover in a couple of decades. That kid in the first video though is totally addicted. Not quit if I want addicted, can't quit if I try addicted, and your life depends on it. I have to say 16 hours in one day of one game, although I think that was exagerated, is too much. The most someone should be just playing in my opinion for a kid is 8 - 9 hours a day, about 56-63 hours a week. That doesn't include using the internet to just hang out. I'm confusing myself again. I have to stop rambling. Bad redearth. Bad redearth.
You do not learn more in games than in school. School teaches you about history, math, science, music, arts, pretty much everything. Video games teach you to be socially "smart". You learn how to deal with different types of people... if anything. A book is an idea that spreads from text to mind. The mind converts the text into something it enjoys. Anyways, books increase vocabulary, diversity, and openness. Videogames give you the image. Books make you think. Books are 10x better for you than videogames. Don't ever go against it.
I ssee nothing comparable to it but the exorcist. Although he does choose a remote instead of a crucafix
The saddest part about this video is that it's believable haha. I dont know what the **** a remote up the butt was gonna do though haha.