This map is my child... Hours upon hours have gone into designing, building, and testing it. It started out as just a few friends and I just screwing around in forge just building for fun, not intending to actually make a map. But then I realized, "Hey, we could make a map using this awesome structure!" So here I am, presenting all I've worked for in these last few weeks. Here it comes. xPlodE "Carrying the load... One ball at a time." Supports: Oddball. Use 2Bawlz (download given at the end). 1 Flag. Use LoadFlag (download given at the end). Slayer. Use any FFA variant. Screenshots + Descriptions: "The Box" - Specially designed with RAI (Respawn Area Interlacing) technology. - Utilizes more than 99 respawn points. - Don't worry about spawn camping, there's plenty of spawns to go around - The blue light creates a very intimidating effect on the rest of the map. When you spawn, the only thing the enemy can think is, "Man let's not **** with him!" "Elbow" - Leads down from the box. - Teleporter goes to "The Tip" (no screenshot, sorry) - A tactical jump can be made to end up on the runway - This walkway is very smooth, there's no need to worry about bumps interfering with gameplay. "The Target" - Used for capturing the flag in. - Provides an excellent tactical spot for the attackers to land on. "The Ruins" - Active camo interlocked for aesthetic purposes. "The Ruins" cont. Downloads: The Map Download xPlodE The Gametypes Download LoadFlag Download 2Bawlz
Um... there's not much to judge from. Your pics are just close-ups. Could you, perhaps, post an overview shot of your map?
dude, post an overview. i have no idea what the hell your map is or what it is trying to do. it could be the best map in the world but without proper representation, I.E. good pics and description, i would never tell or ever DL. that blue room looks cool and well forged but show me more. Edit: and take your pics in a custom game to get rid of the grid. its an eye sore
What he said. From what I can see, it looks pretty good, but we really need an overview and not just close-ups. Until then, no DL for me.
sorry, I can not take a overview right now, but would you mind looking at the map and telling me if you like it?
Sorry, but most people won't download a map if it is poorly presented. The post needs a lot of work (I won't repeat what everyone above me has said) but please do know, a good presentation helps us understand the idea behind your map along with whatever gametype you might have created for your map. From the 'close ups' it looks like it was well constructed. Again, the post needs work, and you know what needs to be done. I'll download when you get at least one overview and a more in-depth description. Good luck to you and I hope you fix your post.
even if you did post an overview, why is it called explode? thats kinda an important thing that you need to explain. Seeing that you say this map is your baby and youve spent hours testing and making it, theres really nothing to show for it.
wow spamaramma much, practiically everyone here has said the exact same thing.i mean yeah the pics are bad but if you take a minute to READ the post it tells you a rough layout of the map. @ ANTI YOU: the blue room, if you read, is where all 100 spawns are located, it does look cool but it is the worst part of the map. i will dl though because i am curios to see the map and your to goddamn lazy to post an overview, i dought it's a keeper though.