Description Exotica is a well kept secret of the civilians who has some cash to spend after a hard days work. It is an entertainment club hidden in the skies of a desert. It is set up for Slayer, KOTH and Oddball. "Old exotic clubs like these were turned into areas of battle between covenant patrols and civilians. 2 - 6 players FFA only. History Exotica is an FFA map which is almost completely interlocked and has taken me 20 hours to make, which includes planning, building, rebuilding, adding on to and testing. I started with a small one leveled map and ended with version six, a 2 leveled structure with a good layout. I started of without planning like most of my maps and built a base to build on in the sky bubble. It gave me almost limitless options and I ended up with this map. It has been through 6 versions and im starting V7 soon to deal with aesthetics and spawns more deeply. V1 had no upper level and was suitable for a 1 v 1 at best.V2 was making the bottom area larger and adding barriers. V3 was when I added the upper area. V4 was when I added the blue trip mine room and a way from red floor to that room. V5 was when I redid the center room, spawns and weapons and V6 was the adding of the oversheild area and side path by blue trip mine room. Weapons Battle Rifle x 6 Shotgun x 1 SMG x 3 Spiker x 2 Plasma Pistol x 1 Plasma Rifle x 1 Needler x 1 Covenant Carbine x 3 Mauler x 1 Beam Rifle x 1 Trip Mine x 1 Regenerator x 1 Video YouTube - .::Exotica::. A halo 3 map montage [HD]YouTube - .::Exotica::. A halo 3 map montage [HD] Pictures This is the top without the roof on it to provide you with a better view of the upper room and corridor. This is the pole room, seen in the first picture. It features an SMG, a BR and a Plasma Pistol. This is another overview of the upper floor looking from the blue room. This is the red ramp going up to the pole room which also links to the shotgun corridor. This is the blue room or trip mine room, it offers you two plasma grenades and a trip mine to rig a power weapon to explode or to suprise an enemy approaching around a corner. This is an overview of the lower level. You can see the red floor which leads to the red ramp and middle room. You can find a beam rifle under the stone platforms. Here are the main ramps and the center room. The main ramps take you to the pole room, shotgun corridor, center room and blue area. Someone camping in the blue room? Take this conviently placed side pass! Well thats my map! I hope you enjoy playing on this map in some awesome FFA's. You could try a 2 v 2 but it might turn out really good or really bad. DOWNLOAD
OMG i DLed and this map plays phenomanally i lvoe your interlocking and your corridors and ramps make for some fun assassinations and add some great gameplay to a very aesthetically pleasing map if u do 2V2 tho is it set up for say CTF and is itking friendly as well? again great map loved playing on it 4.5/5 (nothing is perfect) The trip mine, it makes it funny when a friend runs into it but I didnt like it playing with my more competitive friends over XBL you might want to rethik whether or notu put that it and thatd be all (p.s. i loved the pole room)
I took a look at this map and it looked great from running on it. I will take the Executioner's team on it for a spin soon and give you a better review from a gameplay stand
I checked out your map earlier today. From what I can see, the layout looks pretty good. It's very fit for FFA games looking at the map. Sad to day, after a bit more time roaming around, I found myself disappointed because of how you executed the weapon choices and placements. The amount of BR's could have been decreased to four to make things more balanced. I don't know why you placed three SMG's when there can only be one pair and the other one left alone. I strongly encourage you to decrease the amount of Carbine's to two, and remove either the mauler or the shotgun. A trip mine doesn't seem to fit for these types of maps so it would be better if you would replace it with a bubble shield instead. Good luck on v2.
nice map ill dl and check it out 4/5 by the way which one is you in that pic if your the right i kill you ( you stole my colors and my armour) if your left i have nothing againts
There are 3 SMGs to balance out the one plasma rifle on the map, which the SMG is right next to. I agree about the BRs. Ill make it 2 BRs and 2 Carbines. Also a bubble sheild on a map with small rooms and a corridor spells camping. The trip mine adds a new tactic to FFA on this map. It becomes a defense in a room, to cover an entrance when you can't and can make players go the way you want and deter them from other passages. This is why I added the trip mine. To allow players to develop a thinking for that equipment and learn to use it in the situations this map brings up.
The gameplay is absolutely amazing, the forging is fantastic, and the layout is unbelievable... This definitely stands out far from any other map that you see daily on this site. ( >.< ) The ONLY thing, is that it isn't that pleasing to the eye, alittle barren. You know what i mean? But that's not important. DOnt listen to me!!! But seriously, go have a drink, this was well worth your time mister
Thank you very much for the comments guys. Also I noticed it is plainish but its an aesthetics issue really and not top of my list. Spawns on KOTH need some changes and more spawns added overall and this map might be almost perfect for FFA. V7 will be on soon!
Yes Ben I will, you have anything to say about the maps gameplay since I know you have played it and helped test before?
yess it was alot more fun when it had a mongoose. and it was a really good gameplay experience, everything walked smooth and the spawns wre good
Me, Roche and Rusty had a FFA game on it. And we all agreed on the same thing, bad. I'm just going to give you a list of things I did/did not like to make it clear, concise, and straight to the point. Likes: - spawns were good, no spawn kills, not spawning right by anyone....just on their radar. - no bumps Before I list my dislikes, the group came to the conclusion that you reall didn't think to much about ow the gameplay would go. A butt load of BRs, sniper?, trip mine? It was a seriously random map. The lay-out was just off the top of you head and you didn't put much thought into Lines of sight nor did you care about how the weapon placement would compliment map flow.You basically built a map, then you put weapons to try to make it work. But you've failed to realize that planning a map is the most vital steps into actually making a map a success. Not just proving that you can interlock an entire map in the air, but that you're map was fun and enjoyable to the players on it. Tips: - plan the map further, make sure to really think about what the player can see and the decisions that can be made by the player - Don't build a random map and put weapons on it to make it work - Risk vs Reward should go with weapon placement and the map geometry - Try not to make the player jump excessively Based on the game we had I would give it a 3/10
In the main post I said the map wasn't really planned out, which is how I make most of my maps because I can not sit there and plan them. I tried it before and gave up because I haven't the experience of a map builder to consider all the things like lines of sight and risk vs reward. I am not able to go into that much detail. About spawning on their radar, it multileveled and is small so that is bound to happen, it happens on Construct to. Many of the the spawns face a point of interest including the starting points. I did actually think bout those and made the starting points equal distances from the points of of interest. Overshield has the slight risk of trip mine injury and falling of the edge, are those not risks? The sniper is in the open, I did have rockets there before but on no clips it proved overpowered wherever I put it so the sniper was put in place of it and it worked ok in testing. BRs have been brought up before and I realise these are an issue. Thanks for taking the time to play my map. I got the forging right, just not everything else. Can you try my other maps as you seem to know what your on about and I want to know if this is a consistent problem or just this map. Thanks again for some real constructive criticism. EDIT: You play BR or AR starts?
Thank you very much Andrew!! You are the best EVAR! Please watch to see the map and get some ideas of the awesomeness that can be achieved here!
Thanks for going over what I said, check it in forge if you want to see the spawns facing points of interest and stuff, and I agree on the AR starts which is what played best on this map. I have decided to start a new map and leave this one behind. I am planning this next map so it will try to be less random and have better lines of sight with a better spawning system but this is easier said than done. I thank you for taking your time on this.
i got to check out the map and play on it and it played really well but ,the only complaint would be the trip mine seemed to be use less during gameplay
I thought so, it only seems to be used when played less competitively or with freinds. I am going back on my earlier words and doing a new version as it seems to be the weapons and spawns not the map that is the issue.