Okay, so i was watching a machinima-ish thing today and it showed the Brute Chieftain that was beating Johnson. But the Brute retaliated from Johnson's ineffective ounch by grabbing his arm, throwing him vertically in the air and then kicking him back into the 'cell' as he came back down. The vid (skip to 1:07): YouTube - Blow Me Away Halo 3 Music Video Is there a way to make the Brute do this or is it just a Bungie thing (as in an alternative script for the cytscene)?
That's on the level where you have to save sarge. You're looking over the cliff and it cuts to that. I don't think you can make a brute do that though.
Well, you can skip the cutscene and watch them do that in a distance. Maybe you shoot the brute after skipping and he does that while being shot....