This is my second map posted here, and my first infection one. First posted anyway. I liked the whole orbital/gloomy feel, so I built a pretty simple map around that. I was having trouble thinking of a name, so one of my friends said Scurry! and it stuck, for whatever reason. Scurry With the space tether in lockdown mode, doors are sealed, lights are dimmed, and something not-right is wandering the halls... Scurry is a version of Orbital in which varous doorways (and in some cases, hallways) have been sealed off. The rest of the map is meant to look like the station is in extreme stages of disarray- boxs are strewn about, damaged attempts at fortifications are now abandoned, and weapons and items have been tossed all over the place. Survivors have to either wander the dark halls where ambush could wait around every turn, or try to hold off at one point, a feat made difficult by a spattering of random teleporters about the map that make almost any spot unsafe eventually. You'd better keep one eye ahead, one behind, and one aimed up- and somehow get a third eye >.< The Humans Humans don't really catch much of a break here- you start out with a plasma pistol (a subtle hint to strive for better things), normal shields and radar, and you're bright white. You know, so you can stand out even more than you already do on an all but black map. The Infected Pretty average here too- black zombie, energy sword, and little bit faster and with less gravity. Their lack of shields are a plus, but that won't really help unless you grab some better guns than that plasma pistol. Gameplay Basically the Humans start in two groups in the same base; Those by the door: And those by the sealing hallway: Lets start with the hallway. So called because it seals itself thanks to timed map events, there are goodies in here if you'll take the chance of being trapped. A rocket launcher and two fire grenades await you, but get in quick. Then keep moving to grab a radar jammer and get out into the main map before the door behind you closes. In the end it will empty you out over here, but we'll come back to that. (By the way, that doorway you see is the last one to seal, creating two independent rooms that only zombies can enter. It's best not to try to make a stand in them- after all, you only have so much ammo, something you won't find in either of those rooms after the rockets are gone.) Back to the doorway people- the majority. If you want grab the mongoose or just walk through the first hallway. Everything seems rather normal here, but just wait. It gets worse. (And that fallen wire spool in the distance? Watch it- one of the teleporters empties out right there. You might get a nasty surprise- like a sword in the back) Round the corner to get your first taste of the menace this infection has caused. (The sniper normally sits up on the light fixture- in this case it fell) Push forward past the boxes and through a smashed open door to see where a previous set of survivors tried to fortify themselves and apparently lost. If you don't want to make a stand there, you can push in farther, but remember that your getting closer and closer to the zombie's hive. On the stairs lays another fortification, this one a little more... explosive. Finally you reach a dead end- though its not a bad place to try to defend. Just keep in mind that something could be hiding behind those pallets... Especially seeing as that's the second entrance to the zombie's base. (The pallets hide the small tunnel going from the base to that hallway.) But speaking of the zombies, this is where they spawn: Humans generally enter that hallway from the front, with this view: This is right next to the lower center portion of the map... ... Which is right next to where the sealing hallway pops out. Full circle! (This spot also happens to be a good place to try to make a stand.) Just keep in mind that invisibility and teleporters mean the zombies could be anywhere, anytime. Except at the very beginning of the game, of course; I think humans should at least be able to grab weapons before they have to really fight. Also, in the zombie base, the teleporter to the left takes you into the sealed hallway, while the right takes you to a position high above the lower center portion of the map. Basically, just keep yours eyes peeled, shoot em up, and have fun! Download Scurry And Download ScurryInfection, the gametype. For kicks, I also made another gametype that's pretty good for this map- Download Scurry Ghosts, a juggernaut variant. The juggernaut moves faster, jumps higher, and does more damage- pretty normal. The feature about him I most like though is that he is invisible, but has overshields. The resultant effect reminds me of a ghost, hence the name. Enjoy!
Well... I dont really like color effects on maps and lots of this stuff just seems really randomly placed. Another thing... There is no download link, and if you try to hyperlink it... Do it properly...
Well, i think the color scheme works well with what he is trying to do.. Also, how else is he supposed to place stuff? It's an infected base.. It's supposed to be cluttered and have a couple of bases with junk for cover. His map seemse like a lot of fun, kinda scary too.. He can't make an infection map with perfect interlocking and amazing aesthetics on Orbital....