I am so glad you made this map pack. There are maps that I have been wondering how to get out of since BEFORE HALO 3 CAME OUT. Like Last Resort. I'd always wonder "what is behind that wall? Eh... probably just more scenary. Or maybe even nothing. But... then again... there could be an army of brutes! Or the world's biggest cupcake!" And you have put my soul to rest. Thank you.
Dude F@#$% all the negative comments, thank you for doing this, it saves us all a lot of time and frustration to get all the maps like this, your efforts are appreciated oh frick, just realized they dont work put back plzzz
These maps are pretty much useless except for maybe a few cool screenshots. Plus this has been done millions of times before. But i do applaud you taking the time to do 10 and not just the usual 1 or 2.