This is Forgehubs Screenshot of the Week, An Equivilent to the Signature of the Week in the GnA, Accept Pictures. If this goes well, i will be Continuing this, and hopefully it becomes popular. So, I Think of a Theme ( you could recommend some also ) Then you have to get a picture that represents that theme, The entries are up for a Week, Then i will make a Voting Thread, and the community votes for What screen shot should win and why. One Entry Per Week. Update; The Submission span is going to be 3 days, and then the voting will be 4 days, Update; Okay, New Update, 3 Days for submission, 3 Days for Voting, then the Seventh Day of the week will be a Break, I will be Thinking about new Themes and things. Now to start. This Weeks Theme Is Campaign You have until June 28th to Submit your screen shots.
Title: Scorched City Author: RaBBiiTTT (Author says ShaTTTeR but that was my old GT) Link: : Halo 3 File Details
Title:Ghost in a china shop Author:A Duckyz (sorry its so bad quality couldnt find it on haloscreenshots so had to do it on photobucket)
Title-ODST Author-FireFox 919 Im hoping you guys can just take my word that my screenshots are in fact mine because i dont have a gold membership thus no fileshare.
There has been some updates to the time, you only have until June 28 to submit your pictures. So get going! This update has been put into the original post. Thanks.
teheh..last minute submission FTW. Title: Mid Yellow Author: dckilla96 (first xbl account FTW) Woot woot. This was on the old Forge hub favorites.