this is me (berkgina) slowhandhendrix, rillybob, and stealth out of the storm which we were the first to do uless proven wrong, if you want a tutorial of how to do this please subscribe, also there are alot more glitchs to come weve already got 3 more so please do subscribe, then we will post tutorials of how to do them. the main reason were not showing you how to do it now is because we just dont want a lame kid to come and copy our glitch and claim it as his own Here is the video: YouTube - Halo 3 New way out of The Storm subscribe for the tutorial, and dont forget to rate it doesnt have to be 5 lo its up to you, FYI i hate the people that say rate 5 its just lame
yea sory would have showed you how to do it but you were playin team doubles at the time and we had a full party
not getting enough subscribers so i dont think ill post a tutorial for this then, got 4 more glitchs that will be filmed the next one comes out 2moro
the benifit of having subscribers is so that i dont have to post it on here for it to get more views, so more people will no about it because i really enjoy teaching people how to glitch, its alot of fun and four new ones on the way so if you want to see them you could just subscribe instead of waiting for me to post it on here sometimes i dont need to
Nobody will subscibe for a random little glitch done by you.I know it and almost everybody on my friends list know it.It is no way amazing or cool.If anybody wants to know how to do it then my gt is XSn1p3 X0utX and also the vid is pointless because all it is doing is showing you already out of the Storm and maybe a tut if you were nice and not forcing us to subcscribe for a tutorial.
ok how did you get out cuz if you read the title i said it was a new way out, not a new gtlitch entirly, so how do you do it then, if its just the jumping acroos the gap then thats wrong i no you can get out over there but theres a huge barrier you hit
This glitch was discovered a long time ago. Seems like you stole it from someone else. You grenade jump up on a ledge and walk up. There is no barrier BTW.
He didn't necessarily steal it, maybe he just didn't know someone had found it and found it out for himself.