Now personally I have only played Cubed on rumble pit, and so far I'm hating it. No offence to the guy who made it (whoever it is) but frags, plasmas, and spikes??? Shotgun, hammer, and overshield??? on a map that's intended for 2v2??? Now maybe I'm being too judgemental but I don't know, my experience on the map suuuucked. This is not a lie, I have been spawn killed 5 times in a row one game. It's not the right map for FFA because the game ends up relying on luck more than skill. Anyone wish to futher comment on the map?
I completely agree, This map has some of the worst gameplay found in halo 3. It's almost like ANY map can make it into matchmaking.
Exactly I mean, why not maps from FH? I mean Utah Mambo is fine but that's the only good sandbox map in matchmaking... in my opinion. P.S. Why not my maps?? >=/
Mostly because bungie favores the maps that are exclusive to's community, and no offense to that community, but they are not very good mapmakers.
Yeah, you would need to be close with bungie staff. like insane for example, im sure he would have a shot at getting requim in MM
i played it on 2v2. my friend is a brigadier and was lv 12 (just started doubles). We get paired with two sargeants. The get the weapons and we lose because they have the power weapons.
I played it on Doubles and I wasn't impressed. The higher area gave the controlling team an advantage to shoot down at the other team as they spawn, as well as the Shotgun spawns up there so someone could drop down with it and get a really easy kill on an unsuspecting victim. When spawning below, the only weapons that you can use to over throw the team controlling the higher area was a Gravity Hammer, which can only be utilized at Close Quarters. I was playing slayer BRs, so I never noticed the BR spawns, but I did notice a few up high, giving the team with the height advantage a range advantage as well.