heres my friends machinima (yes i know it has poor quality, but it's his first one, and he doesn't have a capture card yet. i'll be getting in on this soon, does anyone else want to join? if yes just leave a message at his you-tube page.) YouTube - The Adventures of Jim and Sergeant Major Episode 1 --- episode 1 YouTube - The Adventures of Jim and Sergeant Major Episode 2 --- episode 2
does he know that if he blups his cam into the tv with the output he can record it through the television and then transfer it to the computer??
If you want my honest option... First, the quality is already knew that...but you shouldn't ever record a machinima with a phone/camera. Machinima viewers immediately click on another video the moment they see that. If he's going to be getting a video card, that's ok. Second, the acting is a bit terrible. The voice acting and script (if there was one) are very poor. I'm not really going to go into this one, as there's not much to go in to. Last, tell your friend to get Audacity instead of his built-in computer microphone and Windows Sound Recorder. One of many reasons I stopped watching the video was because everytime someone enunciated a "P" or "T" it made me feel like my ears were bleeding. I had to turn the volume to barely audible to comfortably listen to it. Audacity is free, eliminates the annoying background noise, and removes the annoying sound popping.