Grifsketball v1 Created by COB CRAZYSNIPER, Death Two All, and BRxSCARFACE H4 Supported Gametypes: Neutral Assault (see below) Map Description Did you like Grifball? Do you like basketball? If you said yes to either of those questions, then we have the map for you! Grifsketball!!!! With the competitive aspect of basketball and the ingeniuity of Grifball, we have blended together a game that will surely bring hours of fun to you and your friends! The object of the game is simple: Dunk the bomb in the enemy's basketball hoop! Featuring real bleachers and creative basketball hoops, this map is truly one of the most unique games that you can find. Overview of Map Slam Dunk!!!! Thank You for taking the time to download this game! We are still in the testing period for this map, so please post any suggestions/concerns. However, do not post your criticisms unless you have actually played the game with your friends. Download Grifsketball Download Basketball
Its okay. I have seen this idea done before. More detail could be put into the stands along with better looking nets. Also, what is the point of the stands? I mean, nonbody is really going to be using it, and i would have made the map smaller in order to make games shorter and funner.
The stands are merely there to make the map seem more realistic. They are also a way for the bomb man to escape from the enemy. Thanks for the feedback, however, I do not believe it is too big. It is the same size as a normal grifball court.
It's been made. In fact, I have a foundry version that I made (first one) that is way better. Asthetically and gameplay wise.
If your trying to be realistic, then your hoops are totally out of proportion. Also, i have my own version that i like much better, and it doesnt use hammers (because i despise hammer only games).
Alright thanks for the suggestions! Version 2 will be updated with vast improvements sometime this week! This was our first posted map and I'm new to this but we worked hard on it. I have another version in my fileshare that I am currently working on.